Is it good enough to put into the contest? Yes or no. Right Body: Middle Body: Left TV: Left Body: Cannot Find Right TV: Cannot Find Middle TV: Cannot Find
Yes! Haven't seen an animated sig from you in a while! And I'm not talking about animation in a cannon or boydy way =/ Anyway, I like how interesting it is, very well manipulated, and each T.v> seems to fit with the people, but your name seems a little out of place personally.
haha if it was me, I would have stupid stuff flashing on the screens, like asper handing out infractions, as well as insane saying "tester's guild!" and then camofo comes in and he's like "this sig is definetely winning SOTW" and then one by one the flash in and say OBEY
I can't believe you accually noticed that. I was looking for televsions that each person would likely to have in their room. Old man has one of the very first TVs to every come out, the business man has the nice, expensive flat-screen, and the skater has a normal tv that middle class usually have.
It's awesome, but it seems to me people vote for the colorful awesome ones, not the creative ones that are ACTUALLY the best.
Eh there's around a 5% chance that I'll win and I'm fine with that. What's really hard is finding all the stock picture I used. lol I deleted all of them...
The TV effect that you animated looks...I dunno. Make the pixely things smaller and it will look better. Also make the gray one a darker gray. Try it.
Everything is worth putting in a contest as long as you trust your self and admire what you do, I think it is fantastic, but if you win it would be hard to fit it in the O or the S of SOTW banner.