so, here is my SOTW prototype not sure what to do from here, but what worries me is the text placement also, how should I go about making a border? maybe a lens-type fade out?
You could always try a simple black border. I don't necessarily think the placement of the text is bad, but it doesn't blend well. That said, the focal doesn't blend well with the background either.
...I think you violated that already with his head taking up 3/4's of the sig regardless. I mean, to center it you'd just have to move it over like 20 pixels
It looks too plain when I just have the head centered by itself :\ also, How would I blend the background?
You could try using a consistent color scheme and tone throughout the entire signature. Twahl's stuff is a real good example of this. Other than that, you have C4D, smudging, and light erasing. I wouldn't suggest the latter two, though, hahaha.
You could work on blending.. otherwise it kinda looks like layer on top of layer. Same with the text placement, looks like it's plastered on top of everything. It's always good to have stuff that goes between layers, like c4ds, smudging.. I find that messing around with filters on certain layers can help break up the image, and make it more interesting. Right now, you shouldn't be so focused on composition as you should on effects that make the composition look good... if that makes sense? And why is it so large?? People always told me to look up tutorials when I didn't know what else to do.. try to follow one step by step (with your own image, of course). Can really help broaden one's horizons.