Sophisticated Created by sgt n00b34 Sophisticated is a symettrical map with 2 bases and a big fighting area. this map was designed small though, so there wont be that much pics. And i must note that the flags are upside down so yeah. Oh and by the way it is a CTF map. Red Base Blue Base Download URL For Sophisticated : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Happy Forging!
Your post does not meet blah blah blah. Basically, include a description, post some pictures, and also a download link.
It looks like a very good map. Though could you post more pictures so I can get a good feel of the map. Maybe 3 or 4 more, that would be great
This looks good to me, seriously, I sometimes make maps that are so bad... Also you can try making some more space in the map, like bigger spawn bases.