Song Meanings

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Spawn of Saltine, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    This song has been bugging me for a little bit now. The chorus makes me think one thing, but every other part of the song suggests a different meaning.

    The song is Shadow in the Shade by Mishka

    "You were the brightest star
    The night sky ever displayed
    But in the early morning light,
    You started to fade

    You had a revolutionary vision
    Of breaking down the barricades
    But because you lacked the wisdom,
    Your dreams were all betrayed

    Wise men gave their counsel,
    But the truth you did evade
    You never heeded any of them
    You were the renegade

    You thought you were the biggest alligator
    That ever cruised the everglades
    But oh, now, you’re just a shadow in the shade

    So you left your small bowl far behind,
    But now you wish that you had stayed
    The big fish in this ocean
    Have got you feelin' so afraid

    Still you climbed on up the ladder
    You thought you had it made,
    But your confidence was shattered
    By the song that a dreamer played

    Your hand full of bloody diamonds
    And your heart full of clubs and spades
    You gambled with poor people’s lives
    Now through your conscience you must pay

    Dogs barked their warnings
    And even donkeys brayed
    Oh, now, you’re just a shadow in the shade

    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day
    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day

    Then you had a little revelation
    So you went on your crusade
    But you were preaching to the converted
    There was no one to persuade

    Like the fool that struts and frets
    He’s out upon the stage
    You gave your best performance
    But no one follows your parade

    To be back where you were
    Now you’d give it all, your gold, your purse, your jade
    But nobody wants to take that fall
    There is no one willing to trade

    Little children see right through you
    They know it’s all a charade
    Oh man, you’re just a shadow in the shade

    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day
    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day

    Well you got your wake-up call
    But it was a little too late
    You thought you had handle on it all
    When you were holding on the blade

    Even so you just kept on working
    Trying to earn an honest wage
    But there is the price of everything
    On the day that you got paid

    When at last salvation found you
    So worn out and dismayed
    She was the image of perfection
    In the sunlight well arrayed

    She came dancing through the afternoon
    You tried to reach out and touch her braids
    But oh, man, you’re just a shadow in the shade

    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day
    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But it’s you they’ll be looking for in the heat of the day

    Oh, oh, oh, oh you’re just a shadow in the shade
    But you’ll return tonight at the end of the day"

    The chorus suggests, to me, that people don't respect you or look up to you now, but in the future they will look for you for help.

    The body of the song suggests that you are just a failure or you're too late or something.. I dunno I can't make sense of it.

  2. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    The body reminds me of someone who has a prominent future, but ends up becoming egotistical and hurts others to become bigger, which will leads to the subject's repeated downfall. Yet he still tries to rise.

    I think the chorus is the subject speaking to himself, telling him that although he may be small and weak, one day he will be very powerful.

    Just my little theories.

    You had a revolutionary vision Of breaking down the barricades

    You thought you were the biggest alligator That ever cruised the everglades

    Your hand full of bloody diamonds And your heart full of clubs and spades You gambled with poor people’s lives

    Even so you just kept on working

    Purple and green are in the chorus.
    #2 FrozenGoathead, Oct 23, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012

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