if there isnt alrdy a remake of Damination someone needs to make one because that would be awesome. If someone is willing to please send me a message to let me know because i would love to see it. if there is alrdy a remake of it will somone please send me a link to it.
yeah, thats as close as your gonna get. There is no possible way to remake it the exact same size and close it in where it needs it. That is a shame though because it is a great map.
I disagree.. My map is (technically will) perfect when it is done. Chances are, due to rugby, skool, and this retarded research paper that I apparently failed (stupid hard ass english teacher).. I can almost guarantee that it won't be finished for 2 or 3 weeks. Again, you'll get the map. Point of the post: With correct measurement, you can remake anything perfectly, you just need the knowledge and can do spirit to do it.
i'd have to agree, blockout is like the perfect remake of lockout and it was done on sandbox though i don't know about doing it with the unlimited money glitch or not.
Do you realize how big damnation is and how many resources it would take to block off. The one above doesn't even have enough items to block off the outside. Sure you could make a smaller one and have it the same shape and block it off, but you won't be able to make it the actual size it was. 2 block larges on top of each other are equal to one floor of Halo 1 and that counts as 2 floors for halo 3.
Yes you could build damnation under the item limit. Under the budget? Maybe but it would look very bare.
and you would also have to sacrifice spawn points and objective points which would make it an ohh look its Damnation that you can't play on.
When the times come to make the spawns and Obj points, save the map and make one version for each gametype. Its annoying, but its the solution.
Just use a stacked variant and use the original spawn and objective points. They don't count towards your total item limit and they're free.