This is BacKtoBasiKs trick jumping video. YouTube - BacKtoBasiKs :: Something More :: A Halo 3 Trick Jumping Montage
omg dude i almost died at the end when that dude jumped off that piece of debris that was definitely the best collection of jumps ive ever seen. good editing and transitions didnt like the music just turned the volume down and the opening credits were a little too long. but wow awesome vid makes me want to go and try some of those jumps
It was an EPIC video but I wish I had a few more parts in it and I deff think there is WAY to many stacks.
It was very good, but chaotik went a bit nuts with the effects. That blaack flashing effect was horrible to watch. But I liked most of these trick jumps. If it wasn't for the havok physics engine including newtons laws of motion into its script then most of this would have been impossible lol.
Yeah chaotik did go a little crazy with the froodlenutzkieng flashes but other than that I thought he edited the video pretty well
Please don't let that guy edit again... On a lighter note, some of your jumps were good. While many of you are good jumpers, you need to find more original jumps... You also did too many jumps that were too similar to others.
I donno about you Resix, but I'm beginning to become more and more mad about him taking all of his clips and only a few of everyone elses. He is making us look bad. Most of his jumps were in the same area and all being some sorta stack and we are getting put down for it, while most of the other people on the team made a great effert to make AMAZING things that were either ghosts and stacks combine, lines of hard jumps or just original jumps. You mean chaotic did to many that was similar to eachother. Read above if you don't get it.
I have never understood most of the trick jumping out there. What's the point of it if you can't do it in matchmaking. Anyone can throw grenades and rocket jump across maps... The ones you could do in matchmaking were cool though. I swear sometimes I think you guys mod stuff so you can jump off of it or have an invisible guy stand there... =p
Trick jumping isn't for matchmaking, mainly just for entertainment and another way to enjoy the game. Though all of my jumps are possible in matchmaking and I do quite a lot of them to either juke people out, make a cut to shorten my trip or just to *awe* people. Trick jumping helps in many many cases and all the time I am thankful I care to learn this stuff cause it will put the game in the bag for our team. @ the mods. lol. No hax involved. Not even any gravity or speed tweaks. I was quite disappointed cause I had to do all of my jumps on regular speed and MLG was NOT allowed in the video. The only thing I play is MLG and MLG customs so it was a hard change to go from 110% speed to 100%. There also is no body standing there invis, in fact most of my clips are done on local and by myself but you can see any of the original clips if that is hard to believe.
but I don't see how that was copyright infringement.. he used at least 3 songs (I didn't watch the whole thing).. idk, but it was still pretty good.