I've realized that I don't have the time or will to work on this map myself, so I'd like to show my idea to the community in the hopes that someone else can make it, because I think it would be a very fun map. The Map: The map is for Conquest, built in Foundry. But it has been designed to fix some of the things I never liked about Conquest. The Problems With Conquest: The first problem with most Conquest maps is that all the action usually happens in only one spot of the map- a small room or hallway. I wanted to spread the action over more of the map while still preserving the flow of Conquest. The second problem with Conquest maps is that there are no options or tactics for players. It's just run forward, shoot people, die, repeat. This map gives players more options and actual "risk vs. reward" tactics that they can use to defeat the enemy. My Conquest Map Design: Here's the layout of my design. The center of the map is a pit, the surrounding hallways are box-height, and the stairs connect the pit to the hallways. You'll see a long rectangle connecting the two sides, between the teleporters. That represents a floating bridge that players could jump on to get across the pit quickly, so they can skip the middle territory and attack the enemy at their #3. Territory 1: It's pretty much a gimmie. The enemy will not be able to attack you here unless they get all the way around the map. But here's the catch: you start here but will never respawn here. There are no respawn points here. So if your whole team runs for the center at the start, you won't capture 1 and will have to make a conscious effort to make a 180 degree turn when you respawn to come back to this one. Do you take it quickly as a team, or leave your worst player there to take it while the rest of the team rushes forward? Territory 2: Uh-oh. There is a fence wall between the two sides. Never before has a Conquest map allowed you to see or shoot the enemy from anywhere except the center. You'll be able to see how many they're sending to the center, and how many they have sticking back. You'll be able to stop them from taking the territory if you can kill them, and you'll be able to injure them as they run for the center. Territory 3: You can shoot across to the other territory to hopefully kill the enemy before he captures his #3. Also, you'll be able to teleport across the center to attack the enemy up close, or injure him as he runs for the center. Never before has a Conquest map let you skip past the center and attack the enemy on his own turf. But keep in mind that once you teleport, you'll be stuck in a box with no room to maneuver and no way out. It's basically a suicide mission to slow down the enemy. Territory 4: The center spot. The deciding territory. It lies in a pit, lower than the hallways to the sides. The stairs lead down from the hallways to the last territory. It seemed like on other maps, the center spot was at the peak of a hill, giving you the height advantage over your enemy if you controlled the center spot. In this Conquest map, you'll have to defend the low ground if you take the center. Note that the line between the teleporter exits is a suspended bridge, so players can bypass the center territory and head straight for the enemy #3 if they want to. Final Comments: If anyone makes this map, make sure that if someone teleports, no one else can fit through the teleporter. Because once you teleport, you can't get out. A nasty tactic for the enemy would be to ignore you while you're in there because once you run out of ammo you are stuck there, unable to escape and unable to commit suicide. I've already done some preliminary Forging and I know there are enough materials for the floors, walls, and possibly some ceilings, but you'll probably want to use the budget glitch. I recommend boxes as the floors in the hallways, and single boxes next to the stairs. You can use window panels to keep the player in the teleporter box. I really hope someone takes the time to make this map. I think it has a fresh spin on Conquest, and I won't be able to make it myself. Anyone interested?
Sounds like a sound map design. Lol. When I get Finished with Black Isle, or if I end up testing it mainly, I will try to do this, sounds like a simple enough thing to forge. It would also be an Interesting Assault or Flag game.
This is very interesting. Like we talked about before, I'm in the middle of a Conquest build on Standoff that has some similarities, especially with the teleporters. That's where I'm having problems; making them camp-proof. Your idea is pretty cool, though. I may try my hands at it...
Hey Lone, Wakko is about done with this map. He did it really quickly and really well. I think all it needs is weapons and it'll be done. I can't wait to play it. I'll post a link to the map thread as soon as it's posted.
I just need weapons on mine and im thinking about not putting the bridge in because there is no incentive to go down then...
Err, yes there is, there is a territory down there. Anyways, yeah Furious mine is all done. All that is left is testing. I did some 1v1 with Insane and all of the spawns and territories seem to work. Insane suggested a bit more scenery which I'll add right now. We can finish testing/tweaking tomorrow. For weapons I have per side: 1 Sniper 1 Brute Shot 1 Pair of SMGS (around the corner from the fence wall just like you wanted :squirrel_wink 1 Pair of Spikers 1 Pair of Plasma Rifles 2 Battle Rifles 2 Spike Grenades and then those few frags that you wanted down low in the pit.
wakko, 5 and 4 still needed to be .5 bigger in each direction, and spawns didnt always seem great but i think that mightve been due to the 1v1
looks and sounds great but im currently working on a very tough map but if i have time i mihgt look and some options for this map ..
I'll look into the territory size with Furious. And yeah, in an actual match the spawns would help move a long the game and other things. With 1v1 the spawns seemed silly but it should work out well with bigger teams. Lone, can I see some pics of what yours looks like? I'll post some pictures of mine in about 5 minutes.
How'd you see mine? Were you hacking my mind? Just kidding. I'll let you have the next forge request. :squirrel_wink: Apparently the screenshots aren't working very good and I can't upload anything to my file share for some reason. So I guess to see it you'll need to be at the testing later on. The testing will probably be at 3:15 EST, a half hour from this post.
I'm willing to help test. Send me an invite. This looks like it will be an interesting map after seeing the layout.
I had a chance to play Wakko's version and it's a blast. Here are some screenshots: Has anyone ever noticed that when you first capture a territory and when the flag first pops up that it is purple? If someone teleports, you can ignore them and they eventually run out of ammo. Then they basically become useless, because they can't kill themselves or escape. Just walk past them like they are a caged animal at the zoo. Random action shot from the center. Red team takes one of blue's territories. It only takes three guys to capture it. Blue team needs four guys to take it back, because I wasn't on their team. Ummm, yeah. Red team has this territory. Our whole team is here. Here's an awesome shot with 9/10 people from the game. Can you spot all the different fights? Here's the breakdown, clockwise from top left. PlayerColor Action PredicideBlueSurveying the action JediWithASniperBlueSticking Shock Theta in the face Shock ThetaRedEating a spike grenade NeverlessWonder RedJoining the fight Asper49BlueEnjoying the teleporter box (out of ammo) squidhandsRedJumping into action Wakko45BlueRepresenting the brute spikers Rusty EagleBlueBrute Shotting Rick to death Cosmic RickRedTrying to stick someone before he dies Furious D 18RedNot pictured, respawning In case you missed him, here's Asper in the teleporter box. We let him run out of ammo, so he just watched from his little cage.