Some weapons are pointless

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Melvin, May 19, 2009.

  1. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    hey although i do agree with you for the most part i once went 20-5 with a magnum all you have to is keep jumpin around and get those headshots
  2. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    The magnum is a cross between a sniper rifle and an assault rifle.
    Strong to Weak bullets > Medium Power Bullets.
    Slow to Very Fast > Medium
    2-Scope to No-Scope > No-Scope (Only mismatch)
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    there isnt a single weapon that is useless in this game. some require different strategies and unique ways of using them, but they all have a purpose and can all be used quite effectively.
  4. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Dual spikers can be useful if you're backing up from someone who is closing in on you with the sword. It's a fast kill and it's harder to choke than, say, if you use the BR.
  5. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    The spikers are basically the Brute version of SMGs. Not that great long range, but the closer people get, the better they are.
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Spikers can also be devastating at mid range because you don't have to hit that many shots for them to be effective.

    The magnum is also insanely powerful if you're host. 2.5 dual shots and you're dead, faster than a BR. One game of multiteam I got 21 kills with the magnums.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    No, you are wrong.
    All weapons have a purpose, you just need to be skilled enough to use them correctly and at the right time.
    You will find that the resourceful person is more effective than the BR *****.
  8. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    also like someone said earlier the magnum is such a easy weapon to get kills with at times in can beat BR's which I've proved many times also on and close-mid range maps a magnum will absolutely wreck and gun you throw at it

    also the person who said spikers kill vehicles is right they go right through mongooses and warthogs windshields and will pound away anyomne who wants to challenege them lastly spikes when thrown by two people at once will kill anyone near them and if you throw them in bubbles most people will die.

    like everyones said every gun can rape a BR *****
  9. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    yes you can beat a BR but thats only if the other guy sucks XD. If both people hit all shots and started shooting at the same time, a BR would win.

    And a comment about spikers, i was really suprised that it was an anti-vehicle weapon. A few days ago i wrecked a ghost in seconds and was like wtf...
  10. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Duel wielding two of those suckers always assures me a kill. But since it is classified as a sub machine gun, it doesn't have good long range statistics, so keep it inside, is what I like to say (Note: I don't like to say that.)
    #30 mastersync23, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  11. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Imma in ur thr3ad, d1spr0ving ur th30ryz

    Carbine: A more accurate counterpart of the BR, it has a much faster firing rate, although it is harder to get headshots.
    Spiker: A brutish(cwatididthar?) counterpart of the UNSC SMG, the Spike Rifle is a devastatingly powerful closerange weapon, but because of its spread, is not recommended at more then a mid-range. Another point is that, because of the arch, it can be used to almost bombard enemies hiding behind cover. Again, it is almost the same as an SMG, and you don't see people trying to snipe with them?
    Magnum: A mix between a Sniper and a BR, it has the power of a Sniper with the mobility of a BR. Dual-wielding can get you the win, because it takes 5-6 headshots, and you can put out 12 rounds fairly quickly.
  12. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    plasmA are amazing, I call them my dual rappers
  13. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Quite right, and here I am to prove it...

    Human Weapons
    Assault Rifle: Fully automatic rifle. Good at close quarters, at medium range use burst fire.
    Battle Rifle: Has a scope, three round burst, good all around gun.
    Sub Machine Gun: Amazing in CQC but less effective at long range, large clip.
    Magnum: Aim for the head, four headshots will take out a Spartan/Elite.
    Sniper Rifle: Used for long shots, can also be used as a CQC using the shoot then melee technique.
    Shotgun: Best used in CQC, can also be used (ineffectively) in medium range combat.
    Rocket Launcher: Carries a scope, can be used against infantry, vehicles, etc.
    Spartan Laser: Long charge time, fires a huge red laser that destroys everything in a strait line.
    Machine Gun Turret: In tripod form has unlimited ammo, when detached has 200 ammo, slows down the character.
    Missile Pod: Has a lock on feature, best used against air vehicles or large ground ones.
    Flamethrower: Spews out chemical flames 5 or so feet in front of you, deadly if stuck to bodies, also provides threats on floors or walls.

    Covenant Weapons
    Plasma Rifle: Has a very quick rate of fire, and drains shields in an instant.
    Plasma Pistol: Weak when using bursts, can overcharge to disable vehicles and drain shields.
    Needler:Fires semi homing shards of something, that explode upon entering a biological form.
    Carbine:One shot per pull, can over power a BR with rate of fire.
    Fuel Rod Gun: Slower, and less powerful than the Rocket Launcher. Makes up with it's large clip size.
    Energy Sword: Instant kill, uses a lunge feature to close with your enemy.
    Beam Rifle: Does not require a manual reload, however if two shots are used in tandem, it will overheat.
    Plasma Cannon: Same as the human turret, except fires plasma (duh).

    Brute Weapons
    Spiker: Best used in CQC, works well against flesh as well as shields.
    Mauler: Same as a Shotgun except can be dual wielded, at medium range, works better than the Shotgun at medium range.
    Brute Shot: Has a good rate of fire, can be used against infantry, or light vehicles.
    Gravity Hammer:Uses a lunge, can do area effect damage, very effective in small tunnels.

    Forerunner Weapons
    Sentinel Beam: A beam based weapon, (obviously) has a overheat system. Very effective against infantry, less so while combatting most vehicles.

    Frag Grenade: A good all around grenade, bounces off walls and other surfaces and has good splash damage.
    Plasma Grenade: Capable of sticking to biological target, this grenade is good for large corridors.
    Spike Grenade: Good for small rooms or hallways, can stick to walls or people exploding in a shower of spikes.
    Incendiary Grenade: Good for just about anything, upon contact with anything lights up in a blast of chemical flames that burn anyone that touches it.

    Human Vehicles
    Regular Hog: Has three seats, and a 50 cal. on the back. Good against infantry, and light vehicles.
    Gauss Hog: Utilizes a projectile system found in MAC cannons. Good against light vehicles, heavy vehicles, and massed infantry.
    Regular Hornet: Comes equipped with 50 cal. chain guns and homing missiles, the hornet is good against anything. Apart from Spartan Lasers. Can carry one driver and to jumpseaters.
    Transport Hornet: Same as the Regular Hornet, but without the missiles.
    Mongoose: A transport vehicles, can carry one driver and a passenger. Has no weapons but the passenger can use whatever they have on them.
    Gauss Mongoose: A secret UNSC vehicle than can be used by pressing a secret button. May cause golden flame decals and lots of dying.
    Scorpion: Has a very large gun and a smaller machine gun equipped to kill boarders. Good agist almost everything.

    Covenant Vehicles
    Ghost: Can boots infinitely, and has two light plasma cannons. Good against massed infantry, infantry, and some light vehicles.
    Banshee: Can boot infinitely, has two light plasma cannons, and a fuel rod cannon. Good against infantry, light vehicles, and some heavy vehicles.
    Wraith: Has a recharging boost feature, a plasma mortar, and a light plasma cannon for the gunner. Good against infantry, massed infantry, light vehicles, and some heavy vehicles.

    Brute Vehicles
    Chopper: Has a recharging boost feature, two auto cannons, and a deadly front end. Best against infantry, and light vehicles.
    Prowler: Equipped with a light plasma canon. It can carry four people, and is primary used for transport, due to it's poor rate of fire/damage.

    I would include the equipment but I think I made my point. All of these are different and serve a purpose. For all of you that actually read all of that, I'm sorry... but it had to be done.
    #33 Hunter85792, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  14. natu

    natu Ancient
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    The plasma family owns. No doubt in my mind. A plasma rifle pepper spray, followed with a beatdown does wonders.
  15. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    In all honesty, Halo 3 (unlike some other FPS games I can think of) has a large weapon set while having each weapon fill a specific role. The closest you can get to a redundant weapon in Halo 3 would be the Sniper/Beam Rifle or the BR/Carbine pairs. Even with those examples, they are different enough to require different tactics.
  16. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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  17. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I would say Plasma Pistols, but I had to learn that the weapon wasn't useless... the hard way. Getting killed with it and having over 200 views on youtube.

    So I would have to say the Magnum is useless.
  18. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Magnums? Useless? I think not. After playing so much Save One Bullet, I would say that if there are no BRs around and I need the range, pistols would work great. And since in Slayer you spawn with them, you can utilize your AR to weaken shields, then pick off your enemy with a headshot of a pistol. I think the magnum is the most underestimated weapon of Halo 3.
  19. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    Aw yeah, I forgot about Save One bullet, Pistol has really saved my life in infection.

    It's true, however, I barely use the pistol, that's probably one of the reasons why I think it's useless. Also, whenever I do some slayer, about 5% of the people I played with last week didn't use the magnum. I have saved myself a few times because of the magnum, so I agree with you on that note.
  20. Pluvialis Aquila

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    Ah yes, I shall also jump to the magnum's defense. It's sad to see so many people calling it useless. As a secondary weapon in TS, it is the perfect fallback weapon in situations when you cannot waste time to reload (an intelligent tactic). Not just this, but it also has good use other than just a fallback. It has more distance and accuracy than the AR and can be used to pick many people off (as long as you land the headshot necessary to do so). It really helps escape from the linear AR methods that many players display: charge while shooting and then beat down.

    I will admit, it is one of the more difficult weapons to kill with, but how many people say the sniper rifle sucks because it requires so much precision? Therefore, I challenge anyone who does not like the magnum to begin using it regularly. By this I mean spend an entire match using only this weapon. Not only does it come in handy in situations described above, but it also helps improve your overall game. No one needs AR practice. Put that weapon away, pull the magnum out of its holster, and go to town.

    The magnum helps improve your overall game in a variety of ways. It requires good aim and results in overall better aiming ability (especially with the BR). With the difficulty involved in killing with the magnum, it forces you to employ different methods of finishing someone off. Throwing grenades is an example. It not only improves your grenade placement ability, but it also teaches you how to conserve them and to know when and where it is a good idea to let one loose. At closer ranges, you can hit someone and follow it up with a headshot. You also play smarter. Assassinations are actually quite common when you use the magnum, and teamwork is kind of a necessity. So it improves your skills, makes you a smarter player, and increases your ability to cooperate and communicate with teammates as well. It's amazing how easy it can be to get kills with the magnum, especially when you employ the right tactics.

    /end essay

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