I was bored and made these. Might add more. who knows >.> So if you want one just tell me if you want anthing changed and what words to put. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Hey could I have the 2nd one? thnx. I'd like the writing to be 'Monsta Masha' (without the ') I would also like the quote to be 'Innocent until proven guilty' (again, without the ') K thnx, Monsta Masha.
These sigs look pretty good .. I just wanted to see what your sigs are like i don't want one .. good job
Heres this MM and Boydy I only make my own sigs xD, but that looks good, brush wirk looks kinda muddy in the middle though, It's all squished together
haha and you said you werent good with circles.. that top one looks great jackson! and is the second one that black cat manga you showed me?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/21816-making-sigs-again.html It's right here I just havent figured out how to make them yet >.> and ty KK yes it is from that xD(probly gonna go re-read that manga now >.>)
lol i should have known you would do a sparta one after the pics we found. i like it. but you should change your title to #6 done..