So I've been on a halo 4 binge since it came out, and every now and then ill hop off of war-games to get back into my screenshot taking niche, i use to love doing it in halo 3, so why not continue on? While theres only so much you can do by yourself for effects, I've found some pretty cool ones, and still exploring new ones, so tell me if you like them (sorry for quality, had to take them on my phone) If you like them you can see them in full quality on halo 4, just search my GT: hsvaginedotcom and look at my file share on to the pics: Awaken Beast Reborn Vile (similar to reborn, took them the first day i had the game) Untitled Idk if you can see it because of the quality, but this is an effect im trying to perfect with part of the figure being blurred, while the rest is still sharp, just a test pic nothing special
did you take these shots with a potato? tips- use a high-quality camera lcd works well for image captures reduce screen brightness until glare fades keep the room dim, but not dark otherwise, the actual shots look great (the last one is awesome)
i took them with my iphone :/ and it was in the middle of they day, so the lighting probably messed it up, and it was on a plasma screen. But i do have an lcd in the house so next time i have some screenshots i'll use that, but thanks for the advice