Took down a pelican. With one grenade. Took down a phantom. Also with one grenade. Pro using carbine from out of the map in campaign. I did use the no arm glitch but I did not know this would happen, I like smileys though. :lol:
no spartan... he used magic panda gernades, and this isn't ot... on topic: pretty funny lol i was like wtf at the pelican and phantom pics. nice ifnds.
The pelican is easy to take down, throw a grenade in the vent in the front. The phantom was a glitch that just happened. My friend threw a grenade and a different one blew up and the one he threw went up and floated under the phantom. To get out of the map, we were playing with the taken down phantom and some enemy threw a grenade and we went flying.
You have to throw the sticky right at the cockpit of the pelican before it flies away. I've done it before. I like the smiley face. And the phantom... WTF?