Well here are some of my screenshots I have taken in the last couple of months, Tell me what you think. Terror Recalibrate Eburion Water Flow Down Fall Certain Death Lonely --ToKeN-
You're a beautiful screenshot taker, I hope you realize that. The lighting in some of these look phenomenal.
Those are some pretty good angles you got there. I like Terror a lot because of the spartan's pose and Recalibrate's background is really awesome. Finally, Lonely is really unique-it looks like there are other "ghost spartans" behind him.
That's funny, Down fall was my least favorite of the bunch. That's not saying much, however; all of these are phenomenal. I particularly liked Terror and Certain Death (because of the lighting).
Amazing job. All of them show that you know exactly how to place them, the coloring and lights are very well done, and they're simply beautiful. My least favorites have to be the first and last one, because unlike the others they seem to be effect-heavy and you seem to have drifted away from the quality of the others a little because of that. Still for all of these I'm going to give this collection an 8/10