Some new screenies

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by StolenMadWolf, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Heres a few pictures I decided to put up on the site. Please put comments on them. They dont really have effects, I just thought I should just put them up.

    RIP Playable Elites:
    A farewell picture to the option to play as Elites as you will be no longer able to play them in H4.

    Recommend for Snipers!:
    I have to admit this is me whining about the Sniper Rifles and Maps in games. Mainly because its almost impossible in my opinion to use sniper weapons now in games. They only games that really allow 'real' sniping are Halo and BF3 and this is me wanting more sniper-friendly games. Yes, I hate quickscoping.

    Unexpected Reaction:
    This is one of my oldest pics, I was playing on the Lone Wolf mission with a few of my mates when one of them was killed in this huge explosion. You may see him squarished up or looking fat. Dont ask me about the discripition. Lets just say I was not at making up names and discriptions a few years back.

    Please comment guys, Thanks

    Edited by merge:

    #1 StolenMadWolf, Oct 28, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012

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