I finally found some. I will post screenshots tonight when i have time D: These glitches could be useful in maps where you run out of room or things to do. SCREENSHOTS: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=xX0%20Minion%200Xx Ghost Town ----------- Only one but it is super smexy I can't really describe it, but there is a fence in a room with a hole (i know, descriptive right?) and if you turret glitch through it it is a stable room and its very cool. You can spawn stuff and everything. Avalanche ---------- Two here. Once again we use our friend the turret glitch to go past all the glass in this level. On the side rooms with the teleporters, you can turret glitch through the glass and stand on the rocks there. Also, in either base, there is also glass that you can turret glitch through. The outside with all the blue stuff is just graphic and you die if you fall, but it could make a nice screenshot. Blackout --------- I think this to be a great glitch. All you really have to do is go next to the tower across from the one with the smokestack, go as far up as you can, and then shove a teleporter towards the sky. It should be moving (bouncing). Keep holding it. Then you have to put another person through the teleporter (in oracle mode) and then you are on top of the map. You can make things floating up there (save changes, end game) and make a nice little map maybe. Hope you like 'em!
llllllllllllllllllllllawls Im outside avalanche, as in on the cliff. tons of F***ing deathbarriers bake it hard to map out. it took lots of time to get it right, and now im outside the map on both sides of avalanche. I CAN HAS THE NEXT CLIFF THAT IS OUTSIDE BARRIERS! I almost made it there too, but saddly, i hit a DB {death barrier} Im working on blackout right now, i wanna get past deathzor barrierzorz.
Is there a death barrier above Blackout? If not, then once we get past that "soft ceiling" we could definitely make some cool maps. --dc
get to the highest building you can as a human, then go to monitor and spawn either a tele or a spawn point out in the barrier, save and quit it, then walla, ur there. no DB therezorz!!!!!!!!!!! http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/39866A7B28262268A45235A8972978FF/ http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/6392C3CEC5482231F42302B816EC67C2/ http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/B447E1A3E7CE67D1D01D42E57DDE4495/ http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/3F53C818096318C9747F1F49C9ACF788/ if pics dont show here is link to all my piczorz Pics db = death barrier. Ill keep you guys updated on my blog
going to take screenshots now (lol, i had typed screensh*ts accidentally and was about to post before i caught myself)
http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=xX0%20Minion%200Xx the screenshots are "Forge 036" through "Forge 047"
I have a really strange one on Avalanche that I did at my friends house. When I get my XBOX back, I'll recreate it and post about it.
Clarification When you talk about the fence room on Ghost Town, do you mean the same building as the domed roof, kinda centeral?
Has no one gone past the Sniper Platform on Ghost Town yet? In the bungie VidDoc, they used it as an example of a "Soft ceiling." It is the easiest thing I have seen to do. Just try to push a teleporter out there, and it works.
I have one on avalanche: On Avalanche, go to the cliff near the big Forerunner structure. look up and try to spawn a teleporter on one of the smaller outside ledges. Then spawn a sender and walk on through. Death barriers: Instant one on the snow in the middle. Instant one above you (past jumping height though) And a timed one in the middle thicker ledge.