Some Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by anroma, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. anroma

    anroma Ancient
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    K, so i got few map ideas. (Don't be angry if I don't write everything correct, mine mother language isin't english) So, number idea number one is this: Defenders start from a quit large building. The building has three floors (or more) and something like 5 ways in/out. Attackers attack from outside the building, and here's the main idea: 1/4 of attackers team are locked in the defenders base, and they can only get free by gravity lift. Gravity lifts spawn in the attackers base, so that defenders cannot free the "hostages". There is no way "hostages" can commit suicide, 'cause there is no startting granades. But you cannot respawn in the cells, so once your free, you cannot be locked again. It could work in a One Flag CTF, and there could be some vechiles in a this map. You know, like Ghost and Warthog. Any thoughts?? So, the idea number two is like this: A symmetrical map in a sandbox crypt. Like Assembly, but a bit diffrent. I know that you think now "So, what is new in that?" But this map has something new, and that is at this map, there is no power weapaons. But there is a mysterious teleport in the middle. And where does it lead? Well, in two places: In the center of a killball, and in the room where are Shoutgun, Spartan Laser, Brute Shot, Sword, Rocket Launcher, Overshield and some granades. These power weapons have only a liitle bit of ammo and loooong respawns. This map would be played in a Team Slayer, and if you die in that killball it's minus 50 points, but odds your are 50:50. So the idea is that, are you ready gamble? Maps name could be 50:50. Any thoughts??
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I like the first idea, if you found a way to implement it. You could make it so that once the defenders release the 'hostages', they have the advantage.

    But the second idea sounds too extreme. Odds are that the game will not let players spawn in the killball if there is a safe teleporter on the same channel. And then of course people can just camp the teleporter on either side (unless you make multiple armouries, multiple killballs and multiple ways in).

    So they're not bad ideas, but I think the first one is the only one that is reasonable.

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