So ive been working on some desings of artwork for my new band im starting. Right now there just sketches because i havent had time to work on them in photoshop, but i wanted to know what you guys thought. The first one is a cover art design: And this one is a logo of the name: (If you can figure out what it says, i can draw something cool for you if you want.)
first ones really cool, minus whatever that is on the whale/narwhal I've never really been a fan of the second (the style). mainly because they take forever to decipher. the most i can make out of it is "Tower of ......"
^ Agreed. Logos are meant to be simplistic. If people can't get the message from a logo within one or two seconds, it needs to be reworked. I wouldn't have even found "Tower of" had Nibbs not pointed it out.
"Tower of Torture" ? Maybe that's just my ****ed up mind. I dislike the second image as it is too busy but the first is sweet. I like the narwhal.
I'm not sure if the second one is supposed to be a death/black metal logo .. Now, I get that, especially in Balck Metal, those logos are supposed to be hard to read, to set black metal ans apart from others, but if you take a look at most of the logos, you'll notice that they are hard to read, but impressively subtle and fine on the other hand. You should definitely look up Christophe Szpajdel and his amazing logo work, if you are into that kind of stuff. Spoiler But gathering from the logo and the bandname, this seems to be more of an grindcore or extreme metal project
The third word is wrong, and the first is missing one letter. Yah its a deathcore/metalcore band. and you seem to be the only one who gets it, lol. But thanks to everyone else on the narwhal drawing.
I have to agree with Ld. I'd like to see more symmetry in the metal logo. Perhaps the bits that extend off of the left side, could also extend off the right side in a similar way? It doesn't need to be perfectly symmetrical, but it would flow better if it at least had some. I also dont like how the two T's connect with each other vertically, and the right side of the logo has a clump of shapes/lines/whatever that is indiscernible and ugly and clumpy. Make that part look like the other parts. narwhal thing is cool, i wanna see it full color.
Yah, I tried that but it didn't work too well, and i really need to fix up the logo because there is no second 'T' in it, lol. And the Narwhal will be colored once i get a chance to get it into Photoshop.
I took that photo and tried to shift its colors to make the letters pop out, all i got was "Tower of (five letter word here)" other the that, that would make one heck of a puzzle to figure out.
Nice logo, looks like towers of trurgors, or towers of trygers. I just can't make out the third letter in the last word for the most part. Tower of traders would somewhat make sence but it sure doesn't look like an a.