SOMALIA (This is the link) You ***MUST*** play SOMALIA with these gametypes: Mogadishu Mile (VIP w/ Goals) Restore Hope (Slayer) will be up soon... This is definetly one of most unique maps I have made so far. It looks like an Asthetic map, but it's meant to be played on. Anyway, I got the idea to make this map while I was watching a show on the History Channel about the incident in '93 in Somalia about Black Hawk Down. Then I started to think, "Man, this would be a great map to make!" This map is a result of wonder. The weapons are even a recreation of the weapons of Somalia, as you'll see their counterparts in the weapons list below. Weapons ListKey:Weapon------------------------On Map/Total-------------------Respawn Rate Assault Rifle (=AK-47)------------12/12-------------------------20 sec. BR (=M16)------------------------7/7---------------------------10 sec. Shotgun (=W1200)----------------1/1---------------------------45 sec. Sniper Rifle (=Barret 50 cal.)-------2/2---------------------------90 sec. Rocket Launcher (=RPG)-----------5/5---------------------------60 sec. MGT (=50 cal. MG)----------------1/1---------------------------90 sec. Trip Mine (=IED)------------------3/3--------------------------120 sec. Warthog (=Humvee)---------------3/3--------------------60 or 150 sec. Transport Hornet (=Black Hawk)----1/1-------------------------120 sec. A quick desription of the gametypes listed above. First: Mogadishu Mile Both sides spawn inside the city Team with VIP must reach American base (VIP Goal Point) No vehicles Same settings as Restore Hope (BOTH) Now for the pictures (Action shots coming soon...) The Zombie Spawn = The U.S. Ranger Base The Zombie/Ranger. You MUST use those weapons ONLY as a Zombie. The Human Spawn = Mogadishu. Each & every building pictured here is accessable. The Human/Somalian (He's actually Brown). You MUST use those weapons ONLY as a Human. The Somalians set up roadblocks to prevent the Ranger's convoy from reaching the crashed Black Hawks. In Infection, this is the exception for the Zombies where they can pick up a Rocket Launcher, since this building is accessable only to the Zombies, via Hornet drop-off. The Black Hawk making a strafing run. This is possibly the best building the Humans can use to make a stand. It has a MGT, a Rocket Launcher, & a Trip Mine. As a SIDE NOTE: I'm not absolutely sure how Mogadishu Mile plays; I'm using pure memory, so it may not be right, or it may be missing some things. After I double-check, I'll put the right factors in. Action shots will be up later, so for now, have fun!
2 things. Its a game using the honor system....sorry....that in this day and age barely ever works. 2nd. Not that I care. But isnt the concept a little raceist. Again don't care, but if someone does and a mod agrees with them you might catch some flak. Map looks like there really is not much merging. (which is fine) It's good cause it looks like you really took your time with placement so merging wasn't necessary. good build, bad game. sorry man.
Woah, hold on there! I am in no way a racist, nor is this game meant to create any racist comments of any kind. I would never, ever do that. It is just a game I thought of based off a REAL-LIFE EVENT that really happened. Please don't think of the games that way, because I never intended on making a racist game.
ive read thruogh the your map stuff and i actually like the map but for different reasons. like 2woFace above me the map looks like a good build and that youve put a lot of time into it. the thing i dont like is the gametype. a game with honor rules is not a good game at all. also, change the gametype to someting other than infection and get to know what you can do to spice it up, like instead of the honor rules make so they have only the weapons the spawn with and get pick any others up or something. but anyways 4/5 for the map
I wanted to do that, but the weapons on the map have reduced clip sizes, & if you spawned with those weapons, their clip sizes would be too big, & one Human can kill every Zombie with his 2-clip (6 shots) Rocket Launcher. I really wish the game options had more options, but this is the best I can do, unfortunetly. EDIT: I actually will change Infection to Slayer. I thought about it, & that way does sound better. I don't think clip size matters, & I'll just delete the Assault Rifles, BR's, Rocket's, & Snipers. Thanks, Belly391! Check this forum out later, for Restore Hope will now be a Slayer gametype.
Unfortunatly an EO, equal oppertunity, violation has little to do with if you are or arn't racist, sexist, etc. It has more to do with peoples perception. So just a friendly warning. Again I dont care. But be carefull. On the flip side I got a chance to dload and walk around your map. Very good job. I found myself bouncing every now and again while walking around. But it's ok, I think it fits with the theme more. I would give the forging a 7/10.
wow im from samolia and i take great offence from this map!!!!!!!!!!!!! godd you dam americans. mod please lock this thread its very racist twords my people. -.- haha sike. just from looking at your pics you have up there i can already see that this a great map. with NO interlocking! grats on that part. i think this map would be suited for an intense game of infection. you could make the map get darker after a min which would be pretty intense. just make sure you leave the lazers unblocked otherwise you would have escapies (idk how to spell it) in the desert and that wouldnt be fun great map tho. i for one did NOT think you were being anywhere racist by making this map. or will anyone take this offensivly.
If this is racist, then why dont people think that the film Black Hawk Down was racist. Anyway, cool map. Maybe use a gametype other than infection, maybe VIP. Give the VIP high health so he survives hornet crash but little weapon damage and the rest of the team respawn to escort him back to the base.