Hi, im Norbo, and I have been hanging around here for a while, but i never got time to register. I just want to say that i like what people do here and its a pleasure to participate in this awesome forging community. Well, I just want to let everyone know that i have found a way to end the game when zombie dies in infection. Some of you veterans would have propably figured this out by now, but for those who haven't, im posting it here. We all know the anoying bug by now, amiright? Playing a nice custom game of duck hunt, someone epicly gets throught the whole track, kills the zombie, and then... nothing. Leader has to end the game, start it again, and by then people are annoyed already. I have found a way around this. *WARNING* This will only work on games with only 1 life. If you try doing this with more than 1 life per round, it wont work, and the infected wont be able to infect anybody. This is perfect for games like duck hunt only. Instead of placing blue spawns where the infected is meant to spawn, place him as red, and everybody else as blue. Once the surviver (the zombie) gets killed, he joins the infected team (the survivors) which automaticly ends the round. Simple! You might be wondering "BUT ZID SUX BCS YOU CANGT GIVE TRAITS TO ZOMBIE". Wrong. Just make traits for him via "Base player traits" and the traits for the rest, in the infected traits. All that really happens here, is that you are just reversing the zombie with the survivors. This also means ingame, when it says "new zombie", you are actually the survivor, not the zombie. Hope this helped some people out. I will look forward to seeing you guys, and maybe making some maps for your people's enjoyment. TL;DR. Invert the spawns. Do it.