Solstice FFA Created by prophetofheresy Set up for slayer oddball and KOTH. Inspired by all of the maps I have made in the past 3-7 players Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill Oddball Slayer Description:It is completely symmetrical, except for the two back bases which only differ in design but not purpose there is tons of cover. The weapons are in ideal places. ( The snipers do not respawn to prevent camping or spawn-killing) You can not reach the Overshield or Camo that are seen in the pictures and here are the weapons: Battle Rifle x Carbine x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 Plasma Grenades x8 Frag Grenades x4 Forging 101: Floating Objects [Instant Respawn [Immovable Objects Effective Spawn Placement Interlocking Objects Objects Merged with Map Geometry Solstice Overview Back A Back B Back Center
this looks neat. the idea is abit over done but i like the merging and interlocking. also i like the things in the corners but i recommend you flip the bridge. and maybe make this work for 5-9 people scince it is the main part of foundry. other than that it looks good, you have a bit of cover you have multiple structers, you have a weapon list and you post ids up to standards. 4/5 and good job i can see this took alot of work
Cool layout. I could use another good FFA map right now. The small structure in the back corner (by the door) looks nice, and unique. The merges and interlocks look good as well. Edit: I did a forge through, and the map feels pretty nice. I do have a little criticism though. The doors that you jump off of to get on the slanted boxes (seen in pic 2 and 3) are a little hard to use. You must come to a complete stop before you jump, or else you bounce off the top of the box. That can get annoying in a game. Also, I find it strange that the whole map is symmetrical, except for the bases. Good job overall, can't wait to play a game on it.
hey great job uiit looks very good. that aside there is great interlocking and it seems pretty smooth although the gameplay eh i dont know it looks like its going 2 b k but i will just have to dl and find out. one thing you should fix though is a very small thing and that is mabey intelock the doors into those single boxes so that grenades dont get stuck but other than that this map is pretty good 4.5/5
I reeally like the layout on However it looks like all the action might might be only on one side. I would put the really strung weapons on the side of the map. The interlocking is great however and the geomerging is okay. 4.5/5
Dood this map looks great! I think that you should make a team slayer one of it....MLG too... Looks great...maybe change the little structures in the corners and it might flow a little better.... 4/5
This map looks great. I personally think it would be a great symmetrical MLG map instead of FFA. But its your map and it looks like its great FFA also. Keep up the work, its wonderful.
nice FFA map. i liek the interlocking that you have, nice idea and form for the sinlge box and then a around 45* angle double box above is (yea * is now going to stand for degrees in this comment) i also like the look of back A way in the corner, looks interesting. good job
some really good forging techniques are used in this map it looks like. There is some really good interlocking. And I have been waiting for a good FFA map so I'll download.
If you guys would please rte the map tht would be great so it can eep a good rating. I also discovered that door problem, early in the making process and I was going to fix it but I completely forgot about it. llolololl