And that way the arbiter will have the flame thrower, and kill you accidentally later. =P Things like rockets and FRG are very good, if you have range to shoot without a single infection form jumping in front of you and getting hit by the rocket. =P
Thanks for all the advice. I'm at the end of The Ark now. The plasma rifle and tactics advice will become very helpful.
Wow I beat all of campaign in January 20 of 2008 and I got live on Christmas of 2007 only. It only took me a month to do all ranks of Campaign. It is easy it was so simple I do legendary all the time. The only difficult level was Cortana.
RUN LIKE **** indeed. Cortana is very hard on legendary solo style. Flood are coming at you every direction you look. The ones you kill just come back to life because of the smaller ones that morph into them. Yes, The plasma rifles (When your holding 2) can be powerful enough to take down a pure flood. (Those big flood things that hit you) The hardest part of the level is probably when you get the flame thrower and have to hope on all these platforms in order to get to the top.
I've beaten it several times on Legendary, that's the only way I can play it. I'm currently ready to undertake my SLASO run so i can put Mythic under my belt.
I have a good tip: look around. On every part of levels, there are little nooks and crannies and places you can get up to that will help immensely. For example, (this is a very obvious one) in the first level, when you are at the dam, if you make it to the first building, where you see all the brutes and covenant about to charge, there is a lower level with a hidden tunnel that will lead you all the way past them, allowing you to either bypass the enemies completely, or flank them.
I used to play legendary for fun before I got live. Its a lot easier than halo 2 legendary. Usually I find that people who play a lot of multiplayer have a hard time adjusting to campaign on legendary. My tip is to take it slow which is usually hard for people used to fast paced multiplayer. Eventually you will learn the spawn points and the paths the enemies use.