Its a good pose and nice background overall simple but I dont like the lines that are all over his dark figure.
Ugh, I know. It's really irritating. I could probably do a retake, but it has a bunch of ratings on now, so I can't take it out and replace it at this point. I'm going to do a retake, I'll just keep the one I have in my Share. I think it's one of the lights on the armor, though, so it could be hard to get rid of, but I'll try.
yeah its an armor light. i dont really know how you could avoid it because i dont know how you took the screenie, but good luck finding a way around it
I think the picture is better off with a raised weapon. But that's just my opinion. I saw this picture while I was rummaging through your fileshare. While I don't think it's one of your best I still think it's a good shot. But I to am a little distracted by the light on his arm but you said you would do a retake and I hope you find a way around it. = ]
I suggest photoshopping the ball of light out. Also, I think that the screenie would look better if the gun was down, to emphasize the 'solitude' theme, because gun up, makes him look like he's about to shoot something... but I don't know. Overall, pretty simple, but effective. Effect goes nicely with the name.