
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, May 2, 2008.


Vote for the weapon that SHOULDN'T be on this map (list in OP)

  1. Take out the Shotgun

  2. Take out the Energy Sword

  3. Take out one Mauler

  4. Take out two Maulers

  5. Take out the Sniper Rifle

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    This map is for all your small-setting Slayer desires. It suits Team Doubles matches, and FFA Slayer up to no more than 5 players. Created, playtested, playtested again, editted, playtested, editted, editted, playtested, and editted one final time by - Team GridNaux and beingTOOnosey

    So, you've seen the middle structure of the map, allow me to show you just a few things to get you happy in your happy place.

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Team NoseyNaux- Solitary_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_


    Here is just a little of what this map's about.

    You can see a little of the morphing/merging that's going on here. Also, note the bridges that prevent you from escaping our beautiful map.

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Team NoseyNaux- Solitary_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

    Some might claim to understand the meaning of, "attention to detail." Don't be fooled.



    Didn't notice a difference in these two pictures? Well, allow me to explain. Both sets of signs are morphed into the wall behind. However, give an inch or two on one side, and you'll notice that one set of signs shows no fence below the "A" and "B" parts, and the other sign shows the fence perfectly. This is another example of Team NoseyNaux's dedication to attentive Forging.

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Team NoseyNaux- Solitary_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_


    Here are the goodies

    I simply wanted to show this because it's one of the coolest thing's we've done in a map. It's just a small tunnel that can drop down in and grab Active Camo.

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Team NoseyNaux- Solitary_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

    Weapon Placement
    (1) Sniper Rifle - 0 Spare Clips - 45 Second Respawn
    (1) Shotgun - 0 Spare Clips - 90 Second Respawn
    (1) Energy Sword - 120 Second Respawn

    (1) FlameThrower - 60 Second Respawn

    (3) Mauler - 1 Spare Clip - 45 Second Respawn

    (1) Plasma Pistol - 30 Second Respawn

    (8) Battle Rifle - 2 Spare Clips - 20 Second Respawn

    (2) SMG - 2 Spare Clips - 45 Second Respawn

    (2) Covenant Carbine - 2 Spare Clips - 45 Second Respawn

    Equipment Placement

    (2) Plasma Grenade - 10 Second Respawn

    (1) Firebomb Grenade - 10 Second Respawn

    (1) Flare - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Bubble Shield - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Grav Lift - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Power Drain - 60 Second Respawn
    (1) Active Camo - 90 Second Respawn
    (1) Overshields - 90 Second Respawn

    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Team NoseyNaux- Solitary_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

    Thanks for checkin' it out! I hope you get to play it and enjoy it as much as I have. Check my FileShare for additional maps by Team NoseyNaux, and, as always, let me know if you like it!

    #1 dented_drum, May 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    New to ForgeHub? Go read the rules then edit this post so it is correct. Remember, here at FH, we're awesome and we are nothing like the Bungie forums!
  3. sheepdog136

    sheepdog136 Ancient
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    no pics... you need to upload and your gonna get yelled at by the seniors
  4. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    hey dude welcome to forge hub please read the link in my signature (the one that says this) it has all the info you need for posting maps and some other useful links if you need any help send me a pm
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hope that's a little better guys. I'm still workin' out some kinks, but I wanted to at least put something up before I was hated. Thanks for the advice, guys!
  6. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks like interlocking tastiness, more pictures=more downloads!
  7. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty good. I like most of the interlocking. But in the center, you could've interlocked walls to make it neater and match the bottom/supporting walls.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw no need to. The gaps on the one side are completely intentional. Put there for excellent grenade placement purposes. I'll get some more pics, though. Thanks guys!
  9. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    nice job interlocking looks like s sweet map with all the cover.
  10. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh ok. I didn't know it had a purpose like that. Then great map! 8/10
  11. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pics are all up!!!!

    Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! I've got a few more maps I wanna get up, but I'll be sure to make 'em neat =]
  12. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub - I've seen your group around in videos before, and this looks like a good map. Here at Forgehub the rules may seem a bit strict, but with the rules put out everything is neat and tidy, and one of them is that in the title you can only have your Map Name in it, so please take out the "Team Noseynaux" in the title.
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa, sorry. I tried editting the subject, and I can't figure out how. I'll keep trying to figure it out, though.
  14. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Click edit, then "Go Advanced."
  15. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, dude!

    Thanks for not like slaughtering me for breaking the rules. I checked them, and I guess I missed that one. Sorry, won't happen again.
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, no problem. Everyone deserves a little break, or this forum wouldn't be fun for anyone.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome. Would've never gotten that kinda treatment on Bnet. 'Tis a refreshing experience.

    Anywho, hope you guys enjoy the map. The friend I Forge with and I really try to make quality maps, and I see a lot of those here. We doubted ours would even really compare, but figured that posting a few couldn't hurt.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I may or may not be the first person to say this. But, did you actually mean to do that?

    Other than that, you have a pretty nice map. Well interlocked together, quite a few nice little touches. Although i think the map looks pretty bland, lots of open spaces that will be prone for spawn killing. ​
  19. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure how one would do that on accident, especially with both of them being done that way. I discovered it's possibility on accident, yes, but my partner and I did those signs purposely.

    Spawn killing has not shown to be much of a problem so far. As anyone who has half a brain would do, we built the map so that the flow of combat rushes away from the spawn points. The simplicity is what I referred to as the recreation of a previous "battle feeling." I can't remember the precise name of the map, but it was on BFav's. The way it played just fascinated me, and we attempted not to recreate that map, but to recreate the way it played. I've found that we did a pretty swell job of it. Anywho, thanks for the compliment!
  20. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I just have a few questions/concerns about the map.

    I love the camo tunnel, but if you have to crouch to reach it, no one will go in there, as it would be an automatic death.

    What is the point of the part where you can't see the wall from certain angles?

    You say combat is geared away from respawn areas, but that still doesn't completely prevent it, people could very well camp the areas if they have the sword.

    I'm a little worried about the 5 CQC (3 maulers, 1 sword, and 1 shotgun) weapons on what seems to be a relatively small map.

    Weapon holders don't, IMO, blend very well with the boxes and walls of foundry (as they are bright purple to foundry's gray and tan). Maybe in the future try putting the weapon holders behind/inside the walls so they can't be seen. It goes a long way.

    Don't think that I think this is a bad map, it is actually very good, one of the best for new people. I am actually a very nit-picky reviewer, as I try to help people improve their maps.

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