I would rather read a book than the rest of this thread. Great map, etc etc, fun times, blah blah blah.
I don't think it is needed for me to post "great map blah blah" since everyone already said it. Anyways, great map blah blah. I still don't get how you die in the middle but I'll play to see.
i actually encountered this also... if you have a piece of equipment already, and are trying to switch your weapon for the rockets... sometimes you have to switch your equipment out first, even tho you might not want to. After each switch, they rotated. meaning, first id be given the option to switch out equipments, then the option to switch out weapons... but not both at the same time. its a bit confusing to explain, but i know what Draw the Line is talkin about, and it could potentially be a nuisance for a player trying to get the right combination of weapons/equipment all while being shot at.
OO teh lava!! You always stay a few steps ahead of me, Furious. I'm just learning to merge with map geometry and place respawn areas (which I learned from you). I feel like I'm JD and you're Dr. Cox. Be my mentor!
Listen here, Shirley, because I'm only gonna say this once. Ne-ever talk to me. Now go check on the Furious Review thread, newbie. That's the best Dr. Cox I can do over the internet.
Mmm... scrubs. Not that it matters, but I'm going to throw my weight behind this map as well. It's great. I thought the idea would be dumb when Furious told me about it, but that only lasted about a minute. As soon as those mini-crates exploded from under me, I was hooked. Neverless and I may steal this patch of land for our own map. Or maybe a solaris/noob arena mashup. Oh, the ideas...
i played a small game with two guys on this map i found partts of it annoying how you would be shooting at someone across the map just to have someone to come up behind me and assasinate me. although i think that happens to everyone (or i'm a crap player) i love that you can knock the boxes out from under the rocket launcher cause it adds a new level of strategy to the gameplay but i have to ask are all the shield doors necessary?
Love the map furious must have taken ages to build a map out there cant wait to see what you create next.
I'm an idiot Great map furious, it looks like you've worked harder than any forger here to put up with the whole disappearing objects deal. I know I couldn't put up with it myself. The map reminds me of the lava game - a game every one of us played as a kid. Now it's that same game, but with guns. What could be better?
I'm glad you like it. And let me quote my original post again. Moving on... They're not necessary, but they help. It's great to bounce a grenade off the shield door so that it lands at the feet of someone on one of the fence boxes. Or you can shoot a rocket at the shield door and let the splash damage take care of anyone nearby. It adds another option for the player, and another dynamic to the map. And the little ones on the sides of the fence box help protect anyone who is in there. That location can get a little dangerous, and I decided it needed more cover to not be a death trap. But thanks for asking.
Ah... apparently my reading skillz aren't what they used to be . I guess I skimmed more than I had thought. Whatever, I hope I didn't offend you in any way - I'll go edit my post.
How come you never invite me over for some testing? Great map by the way. Although I didn't find it asthetically pleasing mainlly due to the extended use of double boxes. To me, double boxes belong in the warehouse named Foundry. I love the tactical vibe for the map. I can just imagine making a split-second decision to run over the lava in a desperate effort to evade the incoming spartans. Now that is what Halo is about:reflexes. It's also pretty cool how this map was sort of built for 1 vs. 1. Should belong in the tournament in my opinion. Overall, another great map!
wow looks great! q'd for download. i think im gonna stick with dont tell your friends and laugh as they find out the hard way option =P