chrst said "Regular features will continue on Fridays throughout the tournament to retain variety." since regular features were only once a month instead of every Friday the assumption was that they would go with the normal one feature per month plus smackdown maps.
You guys want the truth? We've tried and we've found nothing that's not very similar to what we're doing right now. There are still a lot of good maps out there, but these days everyone is making 1v1/2v2s and you guys just said that's not what you want to see on the front page. So seriously, recommend us anything you'd like to see in the thread and we'll take a good, hard look at them all.
At least this map was made by competent, qualified forgers that know what they're doing! That probably justifies the horrible flow and atrocious telporter abuse.
I've just had a quick game on this. Won 15-1. I really liked how the map plays for now... But, I can see some people overly using the teleporters. I think they'd have been better as one-way teleporter systems as opposed to two-way. Regardless, the map looks very nice and it has an awesome layout.