Wow, this is actually a pretty cool screenshot (in contrast to your other one...) I love the lighting, the effect, the positioning, the armor, the background, the colors... In fact, it is a 5/5. How did you create the star behind the guy? Was it a dying... (The thing that makes the screen bright; forgot English word...)
Its called a flair on Isolation. It'd be better if the star was above him, and you couldn't see ground and trees underneath him, I mean my initial reaction was "wtf is the sun doing over there?!?!"
I like it, the armor looks good, the lighting's nice and all that. I also love the way the leaves in the trees look they just like pop out at me, (the ones in the bottom left.) Like Goober said move the star thing like in front of him because in this one it looks like the guy is looking away from it ad it just looks weird. 3.5/5 for this one with the star moved I'd say 4/5. By the way I do like the way the star/sun thing looks, it's pretty cool.
I really like it, the picture is very good. I really didn't know you could do that with just a flair.
haha sorry to tell you but its an exploding missle pod. oh and to clear this up this was inside a game of social slayer on valhalla