I've always searched for a map that is social, a few houses mayhap? i mean every where you turn in ahlo it is :squirrel_jaffa: war :squirrel_jaffa: even if you do need a twist, my best idea is for everyone to be asigned to a house, a custom powerup aloows them to open the door, the only problem is i expect people to leave quickly so mabytheir was a kind of capture the flag gametype were you would trick the enemy into letting them in your house/base, and act like a freind/teammate :squirrel_grouphug: untill you turn on them and escape with their flag, mwah ha ha:squirrel_evil:, any sujestions?
Try making everyone invisible with a marker over their heads, then you will know they are there, but your targeting thing won't lock onto them.
Their is a problem with that, if you are trying to infiltrate a base they will know who is ally and who is not.
It's an interesting idea, sounds kind of like the concept behind the spies in Team Fortress 2....but it would be incredibly difficult to get working with Halo.
turn off the waypoint that says "allies only" and make everyone the same forced color...maybe with your custom power-up?
that i had planed but now i must work out how to make it so you can "chat up" the enemy to allow them into the base/house, i recon the house should only be openable from the inside and mayhap a secret side entrace from a switch at an outpost wich alows you to enter a secret vent passageway