I saw some negative Comments about Kenny's Promo Video. I, Toast, come from Halo Union also. So tell me, ForgeHub. What would you like in a Promo Video? I am willing to work with whoever would like to help create a promo that everyone can approve of. Also, anybody who wants to join in on the filming is more than welcome to. My Gamertag is Elaborate Toast, just add me if you want to get in on the fun.
Well, there was some confusion over if it was a promotional video, or just for fun. Our main concern is that it didn't showcase FH's amazing maps.
Lone: That's why I'm willing to make a funny movie, while at the same time, show off some maps. I had started working on one myself, but operating 2 controllers at once is no easy task. Sniper: Sounds good, and thanks. :3
I would love to help. Coolant one of forgehub's members is very good at making sets. My gt is rusty eagIe, I have 1000/1000 gamerscore points for halo 3 and would be willing to make showcase maps. The main thing about forge hub is the great community and it's great maps.
Sniper: Sorry, I have no clue, it was made for me by a friend. Rusty: Sweet, I'll send you a Friends Request right away.
Thanks I know it's tuff to make videos and such, the filming in the video was quite good in the promo, but as previously stated by others it did not truly show what forgehub was about.
Rusty: I realized that also. I liked the movie, but it wasn't a very good Promo. I tried a few things that would be funny, but again, the doing it yourself thing is not very fun.
I totally understand many times I have been frustated while making maps. Machimania and forging both have it's difficulties. So, I think it is great we have this synergy going. I'm sure for future films that forgehub members will be more than cooperative.
Rusty: Cool cool. Well, I think I'm off to play some Halo. I sent the request already. Happy Forging.
Whats up toast, Welcome! First thanks for the video it was really good it just some people here are really picky and were not ready for the video, or what it contained. After they watched and read some stuff in the forums about it it grew on them and people started getting a little more positive. Second welcome to the breakfast treats club (Donuts, Toast)... anyways The only complaint I had with the video was the sound of the voice. What program are you using to record your voice? I used to make videos with voice, but it was much clearer I am just wondering if it is the mic, or the program I am not sure. If you can give me a little bit of info I my be able to help out with that. It just sounds weird when it goes from clear music to a fuzzy microphone. -Donuts (Soggydoughnuts on Live)
I have helped with some filming in the past, and I would gladly help you in your endeavors. Send me a message on XBL and I will remove someone so I can add you. I'd take someone off ahead of time, but I would get about 50 requests by the time you finally send it which leads to headaches. I have been working with Kenny regarding a HU and FH relationship for the last month and so far I believe we have setup some pretty good ground work.
For a promo/advertisement, I think this would be a kickass video. I think it should start with a blank foundry, and have the camera float around in a big circle, but while thats going on, a level is being made, the building will be sped up, kind of like a time lapse video, but of making a level in foundry. When the level is complete, "www.forgehub.com for all your Forging needs and a great community." will come across the screen.
That is a great idea, but foundry doesn't show a variety of maps, so maybe as the camera is panning it cuts into panning of other maps being built in progress, and keeps panning through a bunch of different maps!
Everyone: I have plenty of opens spaces on my friendslist. So just send me a request, and we'll all get together, and decide on something. :3