Well... You tried to make a sig... The stock/render is of bad quality, bring the rest down The weird spirally colours just look strange The white background looks unfilled or unfinished The font and text colours doesn't suit No border makes me not like this one even more Seems to 'fat' [to much height]
No I did make a Sig, Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a sig. And thanks for the C&C
You ask an opinion, you get it. And if you've seen me around here, you should know I usually give it whenever I can.
Stupid australian jk im australian too You have a point though, I dont know this community that well. ON topic: Anyone else got some CnC?
i have an idea to make it look better see all the white you can cut it out and make it a ping so its cut out would be cool IMO i like the sig i dont thing the render is in that bad of quality but just do something with the white cause its too strong for the sig
Don't mind Reyn, I think its good. The stock does look a bit bad quality but thats only if you look really carefully, try getting a better one or make the black lines thicker, that will help. The C4Ds look fine The white background fits with the 3 colour scheme of yellow, white and pink The text is good in that corner and the font looks nice on that word, I agree with the colour though, it could be more visible yeah add a small boarder Not all sigs have to be sticks, the height is fine