So, how is ODST?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Security, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    Or maybe so with all games. If you don't like it, you should of quit going to and even quit reading about ODST. You were never forced to. There, problem ****ing solved, lol.
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Halo 3: ODST's pretty awesome... Firefight brings a new twist to the Halo franchise. The campaign lasts a decent amount of time, and is put together wonderfuly... I'm glad they made this purchase... But I still want Xbox Live...
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    There be minor spoilers, I'll try my best to not to outright say what is going on but no gaurentees.

    It's good. Better then Halo 3 and 2, campaign wise. I'm hesitant to put it better then 1. Until I go through a Halothon, I won't know I guess.

    Problem is, they keep saying,"You are not a spartan." I got ODST, forgot what they said and learned that while you are not an ODST, you are pretty close to one. You just die about 1 second faster then usual. Oddly enough, near the end of the game, I thought I was stronger then MC...

    map wise, it is really good. The wide open area doesn't draw you in like you'd think it would but I think that would depend on how curious you are.

    Scoped SMG is overated and the Pistol is pretty good since it kills most enemies with one shot, if aimed properly. I definetly enjoyed the lack of BRs too.

    Final verdict, it's a little bit much for its price. It's the same length as Halo 3 on Lengendary, I think I might of had a bit more time with Halo 3 though but it does do the right things. If Halo continues down this line, I'm not complaining.

    So, you'll either rent this and be done with it, play a bit of firefight and finish campaign. Or buy it for the new maps, Firefight and Campaign. The new maps are obviously the deciding factor in this, more so if you have never bought any of the map packs.
    #23 Telrad, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    To be fairly honest, the more i play this game, the more i like it. Once the campaign is over, you can still select the mission "New Mombasa Streets", and roam the city forever and it'll save your progress, much like GTA4 without missions. Finding more Audio Logs will cause the Superintendent to unlock more of the citys routes for you to travel easily.

    After playing this for two days and then jumping back on halo 3, i decided I WISH that ODST had its own multiplayer simply because being an ODST is far more interesting than being a Spartan. Its just more... Real. You think first because you know you could get your ass handed to you instantly. Enemies are occasionally scary now. [see: hunter].

    Overall, it might be a little hefty on the pricetag, but games used to be a single 6 hour campaign and then the game was over. We bought them then without bitching, so I cant really see a problem since this game will be more than entertaining over the next year.

    PS. Matchmaking for Firefight would be more than impractical. Matches occasionally last hours long, and you really need to communicate and enjoy your teams company. How many of you can say you want to play with some of those douchebags from xbox live at random?
  5. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Matchmaking worked for Call of Duty's **** Zombies, and Gears of War's Horde Mode... And all I'm saying is they could give us the option to make a group with our friends, or if none of our friends have ODST, we could search for people over a MM type thing.

    I definately have to agree with everything Silence said about ODST before the PS. Even though I have yet to beat it, I'm still having a blast. I love the new graphics, and the different visors. I love the free-roaming you get to do as the Rookie. And most of all... Well not most of all... But the second disk will completely cancel out your Halo 3 disk. Unless you enjoy Halo 3's campaign that is... But for me, there is absolutely no reason for me to keep my Halo 3 disk, because the layout and function for Halo 3: ODST's second disk is so much better than Halo 3's in every way.

    Now just if I had Xbox Live to play firefight...
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    The whole thing felt a little... short. Campaign that it, mostly because my friend and I blew threw it pretty quickly. He's a decent player and I'm a good player so Legendary was pretty simple. Going through with my other friend, we did wander the streets very often, looking for the audio logs, so it took longer, but I enjoyed it much more. It get's better every time I play it. I plan on playing campaign tomorrow too. My friend and I are gonna go through and find all of the audio logs and get a few more achievements that we're missing.
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Now that Ive gotten a little further, I do like it. Im also glad you said that silence, now I wont go crazy trying to find all those audio logs and finish out the rest of the campaign. It is def. a little intense and epic trying to beat it on legendary by yourself. When you beat it on an easier difficulty, then go back, you kinda already know what to do so its a little easier. The challenge is far greater this way and it takes more time making it more worth the $ IMO. One thing that I do hate is the grenade throwing. Its way off compared to Halo 3, which throws me off when switching games.
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Wellllllllll, the first 29 are in the city, and the 30th is on "Data Hive".
  9. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ooooooooooooooooh, I was wondering where it was... Thanks. :D
  10. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    the firefight is realy fun if you do it on a difficulty that best suits you

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