I see these topics everywhere in which people claim to spend 10, 20, even 30 hours on a map. At what point do you consider that you are actually working on a map. Does looking around aimlessly count? Do you guys have some kind of timer that you set every time you lay down an object? Seriously, do you look at a clock and time yourselves to see how fast you can finish?
In theater you can add up all the game times where you where either creating, designing, or testing. Also the amount of time it took you to post.
I make a rough draft... then I straight start building the map and don't really stop. Then I guesstimate. It's pretty accurate, cuz I don't wander around aimlessly, mainly cuz I have everything pre-planned.
Since my maps (which aren't uploaded yet) aren't amazing... they didn't really take long, 1-3 hours for each maybe.
i wish i could plan stuff. my maps come to me as i forge it. it has no premice until its done. i just guestimate my time on maps. i ussually spend 3 hours forging for each time i start. so i just add together how many times ive forged on my "work in progress" then times it by 3. it generally takes me 10 hours though to finish a map (this is without spawns or weapon placement).