Sandbox Snughood

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    conker is right you cant even compare his afghan remake to mine because we both did completely different takes on the map with really different gameplay in mind. His is for very big teams while mine is meant for 2v2. His airplane is giant and pretty good looking too. The map plays pretty well with games like headchute and amazing bomb however i dont know if it will play as well with standard gametypes, but then again i have not played it with anything other than headchute and amazing bomb so i dont know. It is a great looking map and has a good chance in the contest, but please dont say he has already won, when you say stuff like that it makes other people who are submitting feel bad. Good job conkerkid and the map looks great.
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment Jakob Hunter! I'll make sure to return the favor in the near future. By now everybody has gotten used to the name "Snughood", but I recently have been working on a new version named "Hoodsnug" which is exactly what all of this criticism has lead up to.

    The new version of this map includes the following:
    • The removal of the entire fin on the crashed plane.
    • The removal of a couple rocks over by the defending team's spawn.
    • The addition of a door to the cave area.
    • The addition of a back-wall to the cave area.
    • The addition of another entrance to the cave area.
    • The addition of an attacking team base, which is the largest bunker from Afghan.
    • The corresponding objective items have also been moved in order to correspond with the new attacking team base.
    Among these changes, the biggest improvement to make up for the loss of the fin is the addition of the bunker. Upon trying to add the poppy fields I realized he sand dunes were in the way. The poppy fields have not been added... But let me get creative and say it's a patch of cacti that hasn't grown yet. Sound good? No? That's fine with me. The cave, however improved upon, is not yet a cave. I will be testing in the upcoming days before the contest is over to make sure this is the version I want to stick with.

    Look for the next version this weekend, I will be providing a download link in this thread! It is not a seperate map from Snughood, it's just a different version. I will still be submitting both to the Foreign Treasures contest as seperate maps.
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I think people are Combining the Foreign Treasures Competition to much with the actual Map Review.


    Not putting the hole map in would effect badly on the Foreign Treasures Competition But as a Map is doesn't matter if it still plays good.
    I think if your gonna comment in relation to the competition you should distinguish between your points.

    I see one flaw it might be "Breakable" If the Towers are blocked whats stopping people going out far with Long range weapons/Warthog machine gun.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Thanks for bringing this up William, I have only blocked the towers that were neccessary to block. Players still cannot go out into the dunes behind the cockpit of the plane, or at the sides.

    By the way everybody, if you wanna test out the new version of Snughood, please send me a message via Xbox Live. I'm online almost 24/7 and I want to get this finished in time to be submitted to the Foreign Treasures contest.

    The only parts I would consider semi-breakable are the tops of the rocks by the cliffside, the top of the cave in the new version, and the top of the bunker in the new version. And these really aren't breaks, because this is obviously an open map, and getting on top of tall structures only puts you out in the open for everybody to shoot at.

    Edit: The main thread has been updated with a download link to Hoodsnug and some images of the current version. Hooray! Let's celebrate good times c'mon!
    #24 Conkerkid11, Jun 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2010
  5. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Enjoyment: There's a lot to say about Snughood. The map has so many fun aspects, but at the same time it is obnoxious and frustrating to play on. The maps fun comes when playing non-competitively in CTF or King of the Hill, mostly because there is so much ground to cover, a lot of useless power weapons, not nearly enough thought-out design to make gameplay enjoyable, and overall just not enough time spent on the map; so goofing around with friends becomes the most fun. If I had to guess, i'd say that you put this thing together in about two weeks so you could get it in the competition thread for Foreign Treasures. This map is the perfect example of why you should play test a map again and again, for weeks and weeks until every little thing is perfect.

    On the other hand, the map is beautifully forged, and there are definitely times when it is fun. Such as when the entire enemy team rushes up the hill, behind the beautifully forged wall, and storms the enemy's flag. Which the enemy team promptly suits up in the Worthog, kills off the attacking team, and attacks the other base, and all the fun in between. Though this aspect is enjoyable, there is not much else that would want to keep a player playing over and over again.


    Balance: One of the major factors that needs to be addressed while testing a map is balance. And, frankly, it's the reason why testing exists. Unfortunately, this map has a lot of factors that make the map fairly unbalanced. Such as the repetitive spawning of both Worthogs, and the Brutshot. the combination of the two result in a lot of Worthog-deaths for one team, while the other team flaunts their Brutshot-protected-Worthog around the map. Making the map almost completely un-enjoyable until the Brutshot is taken out, which isn't always easy.


    Durability: There really was no way to break the map, but there still is significant damage done to this section. One of the downsides of making the aesthetically pleasing wall that you made is that it is easily climbable, and therefore can create a very unfair vantage point for one team. Usually the team that spawns on the hill, but if not a player could seriously exploit the spawn system by camping up there with a brutshot or Battle Rifle. As long as he has something like a Worthog as back-up, the game goes to that team.

    As well there were many aspects about the spawns that seamed off. There wasn't much consistency for the team spawning behind the wall. They either spawned behind the wall safely, or in the middle of the map by the airplane, where there wasn't much refuge, and a lot of spawn trapping.


    Aesthetics: This is where Snughood excels. It can be inferred, however, that Snughood excels in this area to "wow" the judges of the Foreign Treasure contest, which is a good thing, but gameplay is far more important then aesthetics. And they would most definitely pick a fun and well forged map, over a simple well forged map. The aesthetic qualities of the map mostly include the very well made downed airplane, and the wall that simulates the mountain from the Call of Duty Modern warfare 2 map, Afghan. Both are very well forged, and are very fun to look at and play around.


    Originality: There isn't a remake out there that is original, but what makes a remake original is the way it defers from the original map on the original game. The way the wall is built over the biggest hill in Sandbox is largely where the map is creatively similar, but different, to MW2's Afghan, and that makes the map really fun to play in the sense of a remake. However, the airplane is where the trouble lays. There was a lot of tactical advantages and disadvantages to the airplane that made the game fun in MW2. I noticed a lack of these things in this map. Some of the more important things where the lines of sight and the small hiding spaces in the airplane on Afghan. If the map incorporated some of these things then the gameplay would have tremendously improved.


    Overall: 23/50
    #25 RedNeck, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  6. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I wouldn't touch this spoiler if I were you, the whole forum might explode.
    Thanks for the review Redneck, and I appreciate your criticism. However, the only knowledge I've gained about Snughood by reading this review is that I did not spend enough time on the map, and that it is breakable when I have stated that I wouldn't consider getting on top of the rocks as breakable. You say multiple times in the "Enjoyment" section that it is frustrating to play on and that it was forged quickly, but you never once say why it is frustrating. You've told me what's great about it, and that's all. I don't find the original Afghan enjoyable... What could I have possibly done in a remake of Afghan to make it enjoyable when the original map wasn't even enjoyable?

    Regarding your "Balance" section, I don't quite understand what you mean by "a lot of Worthog-deaths for one team" because you know there is a rocket launcher on the map? Also, you wanted me to take the brute shots out of the map? Why? They are anti-vehicle right? And you were complaining about the overpowered warthogs... Sooo...

    Regarding your "Durability" section, you've stated yourself that it is unbreakable, and yet you rated this section so poorly based off of the ability to climb what is supposed to be a rock wall? During gameplay this effected nothing whatsoever. Players could access the top of the cliffside any way they wanted to whether it was normal jumping, jumping off their teammates head, or grenade jumping. But what advantage do you have up there? I will list multiple scenarios with every gametype Snughood plays with. Say capture the flag, one flag? What advantage do you have on the rocks when the enemy team can flank you from both sides? Wouldn't you be better off defending your flag from the ground with the rock wall facing your back? Say capture the flag, two flag? I'd say the same thing I said for one flag when defending, but what attacker attacks from his own base? From up on top of the cliffside you cannot see every spawn location, eventually the opposing team will kill you. Say team slayer, in the new version of Snughood named Hoodsnug, the tail of the plane is replaced with a bunker for the attacking team. Though I know you didn't rate that version of the map for some reason, I could understand where players would gain an advantage by camping up on top of the cliffside during slayer. Say king of the hill, really? This is an obvious one, you're not in the hill. The only gametype that I'd say would give them an advantage by gaining access to the top of the cliffside would be team slayer, and that has been fixed in Hoodsnug. Thankyouverymuch!

    Regarding your "Aesthetics" section, thank you, your criticism is appreciated.

    Regarding your "Originality" section, thank you for giving me props on building, the cliffside on the mound of Sandbox, but what hiding places in the crashed airplane might you be refering too? The only aspect I did not get about the airplane was the cockpit and that's because it seemed almost too pointless and tedious as nobody ever ventures out towards the cockpit unless it's during an objective gametype.

    Regarding your review as a whole, I find it a bit disappointing I received less than 50%, but I understand some of your complaints, and that's great and all. But you never really explain how I can fix these "bugs." It's almost as if you never actually played Snughood, or at least with the recommended amount of players. (12-16) Not that I'm accusing you of doing so, but a lot of the review is just ramblings over the Foreign Treasures contest, breakability, and this hate you have towards Brute Shots. I understand if the gameplay is bad, or if the map wasn't quite as balanced as you might have wanted it, but please go into further detail on how I can fix these things. It's almost as if you wanted to just get this review off your hands, or you wanted more "kudos" in the Review Team.

    I'm going to go ahead and hide this in a spoiler so nobody will be forced to gaze upon my huge rant, but to summarize these past 6 or so paragraphs "What do you want me to do to fix my map?"

    Thanks Redneck, I appreciate your review.

    Edit: By the way everybody, I'm planning on releasing a version of Hoodsnug that supports Amazing Bomb a lot better than this current version, and I shall call it Amazing Hood. And another pretty cool thing, I'm planning on releasing an updated version of Hoodsnug that provides for better gameplay, and balance as soon as I find out what's wrong with Hoodsnug... Rofl. I hope somebody give me some decent criticism on Hoodsnug soon before it's too late.
    #26 Conkerkid11, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  7. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Its funny that the very thing that we are working on in the Review Hub right now is explaining in detail why things are bad and why things are good. And theres some irony in the fact that I wrote the Tester's Guild's Giving Proper Feedback thread based on the principals that we are working on in the Review Hub, so I of all people should be able to exemplify it in a review, and I guess I haven't. But whatever, that's not why we're here. Oh, and BTW...I touched the spoiler.

    Each and every point I made about what this map needs to improve on contributes to why this map can be frustrating to play. And I apologize for writing this review on Snughood, and not Hoodsnug. I believe I claimed this map for my next review before Hoodsnug released, but I'm not positive.

    If you're going to remake a map, then you best find the original enjoyable if you're going to enjoy the forging of the map. frankly I don't see why anybody would every forge a remake of a map they didn't find enjoyable, so lets disregard that so there's purpose in the rest of this post.

    What I'm saying is that there are two Warthogs on low respawn times, and one rocket launcher on a high respawn time. Which means, once the rockets are gone, the warthogs will dominate the map for a good three minutes until the rockets spawn again. And simple amounts of testing would have made you realize that that needed to be changed.

    If you read the RH criteria for Durability, you will find that Durability isn't solely break-ability. I stated that this map was unbreakable because there was literally no area of the map you were trying to block off, and therefore no way to get to that area. However, exploits fall under the Durability section, and whether you're willing to admit it or not, climbing the wall is an exploit. At least in the RH's book. Also, I thought I outlined in the reviews that your spawns need some serious work and, therefore, one could exploit the spawn system easily. Sorry if that didn't make it into the review, I though it did, even on the proof reads. And the top of the wall is just as much of a problem on each of the gametypes. Especially on Multi-Flag, because the opposite team could get to the top of the wall and spawn trap the enemy team.

    You're welcome. Ironic that you have no problem with the highly rated section, but whateves.

    Let me reiterate. The airplane in Afghan was a small "safe haven" for the wounded that could take refuge. It was small enough that a player could retreat into it and be safe to reload and take a breather. There was also a few places you could quickly duck down to avoid bullets that got into the plane. And the cockpit probably would have improved your score in this area greatly. No matter how tedious the forging would have been, it would've created just another great spot for a player to rejuvenate.

    Now, the plane in Snughood was very open, and huge. The main point of it, that I found when playing, was to get away from the worthog, which I was never successful because the place was so open that a warthog could drive right into it and kill me. Basically, it lacked that "safe hideout" feel that the airplane gave to you in Afghan, and I thought it was a pretty important aspect of the map. And I stand by that.

    When I joined the RH I knew I'd have to draw a line between feedback (which I was use to giving in the Testers Guild) and reviews, which I would now be doing. One of the things about a review is that it points out why each thing was good, and why each thing was bad. Reviews are designed to allow a player to come into the thread, read the review about it and help decide if they should download the map or not. So, fixing the problems, I apologize, weren't exactly high on my standards, that was more for feedback. So I apologize for not outlining ways to fix them, and in the future I will be sure to do that. But right now, I can only leave you with: test the map again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, etc. And most of the kinks I found would be ironed out.

    You're welcome for the review.
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Thanks for the reply Redneck, I'm sorry if I came off sounding like a jerk. But anyways, everybody go check out the new Snughood! I named it Hoodsnug, and even the pictures in that thread aren't accurate, because I recently made some changes. Here's a list of some of the stuff I did.

    • The mid-section of the plane provides more cover now.
    • More cover has been added behind the attackers base.
    • Both warthogs have a respawn time of 120 seconds, and the attackers now have a warthog in both asymmetrical and symmetrical games.
    • Both brute shots have been replaced with plasma grenades which represent Symtex grenades from Modern Warfare 2.
    • Two movable boxes have been removed from the back of the defenders base so I could have more budget, sorry guys!
    • A couple wedges have been removed, once again for budget purposes.

    Please direct all your attention towards the Hoodsnug version of this map now! This version is trash compared to Hoodsnug!

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