Snowbound (Remake)?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by III Specia1 K III, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    Hey, just wondering if anyone is already making (or planning on remaking) Snowbound from Halo 3? I don't know about you, but Impact just seems like the perfect place to do it if you forge on the asteroid area.

    Anyway, if no one else is going to try it, I may give it a shot.
    #1 III Specia1 K III, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haven't seen any Snowbound remakes. Although I havent been looking very hard for one because I hated that map. What are you planning on using for all the open snowy areas?
  3. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    I would probably have to use wall pieces for much of it. I would rather not, but the terrain of the map doesn't give any other options, unfortunately. The upside to that, though, is that at least the wall pieces appear white on Impact, whereas on Ravine and Erosion they are more of a khaki color...
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    you can use some of the special fx in gadgets category to make it look more like snow, but IMO that's hard to look at.

    if done right, it could be workable, though.

    my main concern would be the areas which are supposed to be below the snow... the caves. you'll have to be really creative with that :D maybe use rocks to make your own caves?

    I sort of had a love/hate relationship w/ that level... but any good remake is welcome in my book
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I was gonna get around to it, but the more the merrier. mine would be awhile anyways.
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha.. khaki. Such a funny word. Alright just make sure you add enough height variation (those rolling hills.) Maybe you could use the asteroid for the outskirts and kind of build a mound of white walls inward. Just an idea. I could see that option saving you a lot of pieces overall because you wouldn't really need to wall your map off, and soft kills could act as "the guardians" or better yet, point dominion auto turrets outwards so you actually get shot that would be amazing. Anyways, good luck. You pretty much have to make it now that I gave you the guardians as auto turrets idea.
  7. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    @JKAddict: Yeah, I probably wouldn't be able to use the FX, only because they seem to be even worse on Halo 4 than they were in Reach. But I like the idea.

    As far as the caves go, I will probably end up just using the rocks for the walls and use forge pieces to design the rest , but we'll see. Unlike with the Burial Mounds remake on Ravine, I should be able to use seastacks on Impact, so that will be nice...

    @PA1NTS: If I'm able to really get this project off the ground (no pun intended), I intend to incorporate all the height variation required and hopefully emulate rolling hills somehow. But yes, I initially was planning on using the outskirts of the asteroid, because I think it just looks perfect for a Snowbound remake for some reason.

    The remake would have soft kill boundaries for the outskirts, but I was also thinking about using auto-turrets (like you were saying) or at least the covenant turrets in order to make it more convincing. We'll see what happens, if it happens. :)
    #7 III Specia1 K III, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  8. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    I never really liked this level for some reason... but a good remake is a good remake. I like the auto turret ideas a LOT more than a simple soft kill barrier...they're overused which isn't bad as they work fine but the issue is that when you have a more creative way of keeping people in (like many of Halo 3's maps) it should be kept with the remake if possible IMO.

    I;d just leave the outside area without a barrier but turrets like the original...then a small soft kill barrier for if the player somehow gets out far enough without dying, and then behind the soft kill barrier (if they continue going) a hard kill zone.
  9. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    I totally agree.

    Bob, weren't you at some point working on a High Ground remake? Are you still working on that?
  10. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    I'm working on a reimagination/map inspired by Snowbound, but as to the actual question: No, I have not seen an actual remake yet.
  11. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    That glitch where it saves as another map and thus deletes happened to it :C 85+% completed at the time too... I didn't have Gold at the time so I was unable to save it my fileshare and I didn't think to save copies....

    I restarted but it's gonna take a looong time. The main issue is that Erosion is a LOT steeper and has alot of cliff-like surfaces that I need to "smooth" using various pieces. I cannot for the life of me remember what pieces I used to do that which is the hardest part! (x I do however remember (basically) how I made the bunker and the completed part of the main base so that should be relatively fast as least comparatively. There are two points currently kicking my ass because I had them pretty much spot on previously but can't figure out how I did it lol

    Oh and learn. I finished up an original map in the mean time that I'll post on here soonish haha but High Ground WILL live (at least as close as I can get it...)
  12. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    My advice is to not bother with making it look like Snow, just worry about the base accuracy and go from there while adding your own touches :). Come up with a suitable name that would describe the cold, harshness, of space since your creating it on Impact.

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