SNOWBALLS Snowballs is a BattleTracks map on the canvas on snowbound. It starts off in one of the bases. You then go right and go through the tunnel which normally has the ghost. You soon go left and then left again following the outskirts of the the map. Then you make your final turn and jump off one of the bases scoring a point and starting another lap. There are two things you need to know about this map. One, the map is cheatable. The finish isn't but there are shortcuts. I ask that you don't cheat to make the game of BattleTracks mroe enjoyable for everyone. If you play it right the game is very fun and unlike most racing maps. Second is the terrain. Unlike most maps, snowbound's terrain is outside and every lap is a different experience. If you move one inch away from your first path, you could end of flipping or bumping around. This adds much mroe variety and lets people get ahead of people much more often. The jump at the end is also very unique as it can make or break you. Now for this map I reccomend Battle Snipes or Battle Lasers as they work the best. PICTURES Starting Position First Turn First Leg, Part One First Leg, Part Two Turn Two And Turn Three Leg Two Final Turn Cheatproof Finish Finishing Jump ACTION PICS There you go. Although it may not be the best forged map, gameplay wise it deserves an A. DOWNLOAD SNOWBALLS
I give you props for not making it on Sandbox, but if you could replicate the track onto Sandbox and make it cheat proof, then that would be cool. Also, after seeing these pictures, I never noticed the amount of detail the creators of this game put into making Snowbound. 4/5 for originality.
I like the destruction derby idea, but you couldve just made it go around in a perfect circle, like a nascar cousrse