Snoway Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by darkhelmet98765, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. darkhelmet98765

    darkhelmet98765 Ancient
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    Snoway v2.1

    This is the second version of my shorter symetrical avalanche ctf/ ts varient. This map is tested to play great for 4v4+ team games. You must custom set your power up traits to best suit.

    Weapons on map:
    Plenty of Br's for spawns or ammo pickups.
    2 Bruteshots
    2 Sniper Rifles
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Covenant Carbine
    1 Missle Pod
    2 Stationary Gunners
    2 Warthogs
    4 Mongeese (2.1 update)
    2 Magnums
    1 Ghost
    2 Regenerators
    1 Power Drainer
    Multiple Plasma Nade Pickup Points
    2 Maulers
    2 Shotguns

    The way things go is sniper rules and warthog rockets next. its all about holding the needed points to lock-down the map and gain a tactical advantage over your enemies. The snowy middle is doused with blood as it becomes the onslaught of a majority of the maps battle rifle fodder. Flag games preferred with custom power-ups set. BR starts 4-16 players will enjoy a different type of interesting snow battles. The rockets are out far middle and can be tough to get unless you have map control. Its basically who can beat eachother up the most back and forth and winners usually can get the flag out of the base, mancannon the flag to the Enemies Fort, hop in the hog below with a ready teamate and tear it home.

    As you can see the weapons are diverse, however the placements don't crowd the carnage in hot spots but spread the weapon keypoints across the board. The borders of the map are double box high and the corners are teleported off. I spent about 8-9 hours on this map and I executed my idea to a 9.5 out of 10. Questions comments about changes would be heartily accepted. Rate please. And to bungie, this map is worth playing in a weekend hopper so at least give it a glance. Thanks
    To all those who helped or gave ideas thanks.

    To ForgeHub forum...
    This mutant Avalanche forgery utilizes the most underused part of Avalanche, the "U" bend. In normal Avalanche people tend to either just rush around without stops, or save time by running the boring middle way with the overloaded Overshields and Snipers. On my varient Ive Double Boxed out the routes to the normal bases completely leaving it a middle of the map warfare with the ridges as my replacement bases. The man cannons send you to the respective base's fort. Complete with a sniper watchtower. The Original Laser Entrance is used and a couple platforms in the cave can make the battle for the custom power up a real sonofa... Some weapons dispersed around for balanced map power, a couple hogs and geese, and last but not least a Rocket in the middle to finish it up.

    The only ugly parts of the map have to be the 2 walled out parts of the map that segregate the map in the middle and keep everyone from getting to the original bases. In short the wall is effective and the corners have teleporters from keeping people from squeezing out. Another "con" of the map is the way the 2 ridges are made. They dont equally provide cover and the Blue base seems a little bleak. I am being very critical with this map because there is a lot of good things in it too.
    The sniper watchtowers are a must to rush for map lockdown. They give key advantage to controling the map, but dont provide much cover. the rockets are tough to get. the custom is kinda out of the way in the orginal shotgun mancannon area. I energy walled off the exits from there.
    All in all i could see this map being something played on in weekly hoppers because bungie's kinda slackin in the community dep. with getting comm. files on the playlists. Ide rather play a zombie varient on this than another campoff in the locker rooms of ghoul town.

    2.1: added 2 more mongeese located near the middle. and attempt to "spice up" the middle didnt get far because of too many objects on map. I did however clean the middle up a little made it less "raggedy" and moved the ramps back a bit so hogs can jump them better.







    #1 darkhelmet98765, Oct 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  2. Caseyken

    Caseyken Ancient
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    Very good map! I have a couple of complaints about the aesthetics, though. I'm very demanding on aesthetics.

    I barely saw any interlocking, save for one or two instances at each base.

    The other is that the central area is a little too open. I know you did that so that the hogs could drive and move freely, but you still need to add a little bit here and there. Try spicing the rocket platform up a bit, it seems a bit bland, and fixing that would really make the middle area more visually interesting, as well as more fun to play on.

    All in all, I give you a 4.5/5. You took a concept, gave it your own twist (the U-turn area is an area I wanted covered in forge for a while), did what you needed to do and did it well. If you could do more, that'd be great. If not, it's still an awesome map.
  3. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, it's way more fun than I expected, with a nice layout and all, it was really sweet. Although, it wasn't all perfect. First off, it wasn't very aestheticly pleasing, also some stuff was a little sloppy, making it a little odd making call-outs. and I'd suggest more vehicles. Anyway, it was really fun, 3/5.
  4. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    My friends and I just played this and we all agreed that it is a fun map to play on, we also liked the weapon placement, overall this was a fun map 5/5
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    it looks nice and for a map that was this time consuming its a shame u didnt take more pics specially action pics and im still afraid i cant say if what i saw was it if so u need to block some of the openess off... or add more structures i would prefer that... and needs a bit more interlocking but it loks nice otherwise... 4/5
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    More pictures? From the description and two pics, it looks really interesting. As someone else suggested, some action pics would be great, but any sort of image in abundance would be great. Prease?
  7. darkhelmet98765

    darkhelmet98765 Ancient
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    EDIT: Added New Pictures
    ill work on the pictures this weekend. thanks for the comments and for the thumbs up so far. i just made the map last night and thats it. ill see what i can do although im a little limited with the items, this isnt foundry. 2 warthogs is enough, plus there is a ghost and 2 geese. if anything i would add 2 more geese for mobility.
    I really can't do much more with aesthetics other than merging some wall corners and barricades in the middle.
    Any other suggestions or comments shoot away!
    #7 darkhelmet98765, Oct 24, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008

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