Okay so I was just browsing Deviant art and I found the pic below and I'm like... Hmmm... Needs snow. So here you go. SNOW: V.2. V.3. V.4. Original: BG: Yahoo! Image Detail for http://static.flickr.com/104/274247983_d4ce9dbae0.jpg CnC Please...
Most of the snow blends in too well in front of the person's skin. I'm not a huge fan of the effects at the bottom, or at least the placement of them. If the person was colored in a bit more than it might look a bit better with the effects. That's the main problem I have with this sig, but it is still pretty good. I actually have a tut on adding color on dA. Its called "Color Injection" for Gimp but it should be fine for PS too. Don't color it in all the way, but at least add a little color to the eyes to match the blue in the BG and add a little color to the hat/skin.
I like what you did with the color inject, but the effects are still way too dominate. The background is really over sharpened, and version 4 just looks ugly because of the sharpening. IMO this sig doesn't need any sharpening what so ever.
I agree. The color injection worked nicely, but the new versions are way over-sharpened and the effects could be tuned down a bit.