Edited, V1.1 Have you ever wanted to be a good sniper, have you ever wanted to be able to snipe someone within 2 seconds of seeing them? Well I've got a couple of tips that can help you out alot with sniping, and can help you. Just for some proof that I'm a good sniper. Ok here are the tips. 1. If you want to be sniping constantly, and you want to pull off headshots all the time, switch to 1 sensetivity. It sounds a bit extreme but it can help alot with starting to snipe. Once you realise yourself sniping gradually increase the sensetivity one at a time. 2. Practice, do BR Snipe gametypes to warm up and pracitce when your not forging or matchmaking. Maps like Guardian and Construct can be perfect for praciticing with friends. 3. Take the sniper. Don't be afraid to pick it up in Matchmaking. Use it as often as you can to improve your skills. 4. Utuilize the sniper. The sniper was origionally designed for long range combat, but can also be used in combination with the BR, Carbine, Melee or even grenades. Using snipe + melee from close range is very effective, using snipe + Br from mid range is also a great way to pick off enemies that are blazing their AR's at you. 5. Do not hezitate. As soon as that reticule is pointed on somebody, shoot. Even if they're shooting at you and you can't zoom in. Remember a sniper does alot of damage to someone. 6. Take positions. Remember tactical positions for each map with a sniper. You can't roam around waiting for kills. 7. Do not stand still. A common mistake done by people in Halo is standing still while sniping. It is very bad as there could be another sniper waiting to pick you off. Always strafe as you would with a BR. 8. Patience is the key. Always wait for people to come to you. Your safer if you Don't go to them. Shooting can also give off your position, only take a shot if you're gauranteed a kill. Feel free to post any more sniping tips I may have missed out on. Other than that, post away.
Just going to say something. But how do we know that it is your Sniper Statistics? Anyway, the article is good in general.
Lol but why would he lie where he knows that we can get proof.Only a dumbass would do that. And wow I never tought I would see that many sniper kills and tha so close of headshots.I wish I was as good as you but I am not =(. Keep it up!!
I just need proof. Cause their are some nubs on forgehub that lie and stealz maps. BTW: Im not calling you a liar.
No problem. And Playahater, if you keep praciticing and following my tips one day you will be like me =] This took the piss to upload btw.
I never thought of doing the sensitivity thing, and seeing as how I usually stick to the default 3 sensitivity it shouldn't be take too long to increase that I don't think. Great advice, I'm gonna go try this out!
remember that the enemy has deathcam so you can fool them by running away for a few seconds or stand still and then move to a new position. try to avoid camping in the same spot for too long.
im also very good with the sniper, close and long range. my stats are no where near as good as that but i get the body shot and then let my team get the head shot straight after. I play lots of MLG so thats why i dont always fire the second shot.
Wow your a sniper addict! I mean I like the sniper Rifle, but I go with the BR more of the time. I have like 12k kills with BR, 60% of both my ranked and social! And you have 2.2k kills with sniper, 2k headshots!!!!
I made a map themed on improving shooting skills. It works with almost all weapons. If anyone ever wants it, i play it alot, so you can come play with me. I can go from not bieng able to get 2 headshots in a row to getting a no scope killamanjaro in about 10 minutes. Its amazing to do before you do into MM or other competative games.
Me and JAYclash have done some pretty good 1v1 sniping. Just unlimited ammo, sniper riflle on foundry canvas. It works well with multiple people too.