Hey Guys, This is a planet I made a couple of months ago, and I was wondering if anyone wants to rate it ??? I used CS2, and its from scratch, no brushes or anything. Its also the one in my sig, except I animated it in my sig. www.tylercorbett.co.nr (Just click on thumbnail) ^Thats my unfinished/never to be finished website^ I just don't have the time to finish it/I'm lazy! Actually! Here it is! I forgot we could post flash: http://tylercorbett.co.nr/SWFs/Sunrise.swf (It's supposed to be smaller than it opens, so it looks right, too big and textures get blurred)
I like it a lot, but I don;t like the texture of the planet its self. It seems really grainy like green sand 0o 4/5
It is grainy sand. And whoever has the misfortune of stepping upon that unwholesome sand shall wish for the oblivione to save him from the madness that plagues the dark uncomprehensible spaces of the universe. Ok.....