
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by redearth, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Created by Redearth

    Supported Gametypes:

    Team Slayer

    Map Description

    This is my first map, which took me about 5 hours to make. Sniperstand is a map that is meant to feel slightly like Wetworks from COD4. I took the stairs and hallway area. It's a totaly symmetrical map, despite the fact that one base is slightly off from the other. Plenty of cover is added. It's a rather small map, so I say between 3-6 player teams. It support CTF and assault as well. The map is easy to get around. Please tell me if you find a way to break the map by getting out, and I'll fix it. If this gets enough replies and downloads, I might smooth the walls more. Here's the story behind it:

    This area used to be a factory used by salesmen. Ever since the war, it's been gutted and abandond. It was recently found and turned into a training area, for mid-long range fights. Spartans find it a challenge to go around a corner to find an enemy waiting...

    I also have a MLG weapon placement variant, called watchtower at the bottom.

    View over the area.

    Starting Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    Stairs to Sniper with dual SMGs.

    Mauler Hallway.

    Please give feedback, constructive criticisim is welcome. A notice that there are three more pics in, they wouldn't show up in this post for some reason.

    Map Main Download

    MLG Weapons Placement Version Watchtower
    #1 redearth, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It seems alright, atleast you interlock some like some people dont interlock none than some pretty simple map tho 3/5
  3. V

    V Ancient
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    Not bad for a first map. It's kinda open but I think you were aiming for that in a sniper map. I'd probably get rid of the fusion coils behind the barriers since its way too easy to shoot from high ground and hit them. Also, from the pics here, I don't see much of Wetworks (although that could be because the map isn't so narrow that one well placed clusterbomb would kill everyone in about a quarter of the map's area and it doesnt look like randomly thrown grenades would average +3 kills here so kudos to that lol). Oh yea nice job with the interlocking. Nothing fancy, but it looks like you made a good effort to make it look nice.
  4. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, when I clean the map I'll remove the fusion coils. The wetworks part is the the corner hallways and the center stair attachments, although it was just for a similair feel instead of look.
  5. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    This looks like a fun map.
    We will have the Marvel-Review by the end of the week.
  6. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good with some nice interlocking. The walls do need a bit of smoothening out and I am not sure why you didn't do that before posting. From the pictures I can get a pretty good idea of the whole layout and it seems a bit open as someone said. just add a little more cover using small barriers. If you want to do a little extra, You could mege walls into the ground so that they stick out at crouch height. This would make for interesting cover that could earn you more downloads. I would also like to point out that the central area with the sniper is going to cause the team who has it to dominate. Gameplay might be unfair so you could maybe make a tunnel going around it or maybe some weapons to counter the center

    -good job though 9/10
  7. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Looks good, Reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it. I haven't played Wetworks, so I don't think that's what it reminds me of.
  8. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    good first map, but i think that you could have spent a little bit more time on it than 5 hours, (remember, to make a map good, take your time, take breaks from it, and dont get too ancious to finish it). ive made many many maps but im only going to post one that ive worked on for a long time and im sure its perfect. i think maybe those walls and the two boxes you fused could have been a little neater. but good job for your first map.
  9. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Not bad yet i liked it. I like how you spent the little extra effort to interlock the ground which i like because it makes the floor just a little more smooth.
  10. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Thanks everyone, I was originally going to end it, but I'm going to fix spawns and weapon placement, make things a little neater, and make a version 2. Thanks for all you support.

    Changes in version two:
    1. Neater walls, flipped on side to give clean look.
    2. Spawn with tower fixed.
    3. Fusion coils removed.
    4. Maulers replaced with spikers.
    5. Sniper rifle replaced with new weapon, suggestions?
    6. Cover placement changed.
    7. Open boxes flipped upsidedown geomerged into ground.

    Editing done! Uploading tommorow or wednesday.
    Actual changes:
    1. 100% new cover system.
    2. New towers with no requirement of moving once hitting man cannon.
    3. No tower to tower fights.
    4. Opened hole under where sniper used to be.
    5. Two fusion coil spots, and soly for defense of equipment purpose. They don't respawn.
    6. Hally closer to actual foundry wall is longer and has cover.
    7. Sniper replaced with mauler. New weapon set. A total of 6 grenades on map, some with longer respawns to avoid grenade spamming.

    I just need to add spawns and take pics. I'll post a preview pic before the actual spawn placement.
    #10 redearth, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    its (emphazised) OK

    not too good 2.3/5
  12. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    this is cool and im going to dl but you need better cover than just barriers or it will suck gameplay wise but sniper maps are intense.

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