Sniper Tundra For the Sniper Hill gametype. Download link for Sniper Tundra Download link for the Sniper Hill gametype Sniper Hill is a recreation of one of my favorite custom games from the Halo 2 days. Back then, we played it on Headlong. The idea behind the game was simple: there is one central hill, and everyone has a sniper rifle. On Headlong, it meant some players ran toward the hill desperately trying to dodge sniper fire, while other players camped in strategic locations to provide cover fire. Now I’ve finally been able to recreate the experience in Halo 3. On Sniper Tundra, I’ve been able to adjust the game settings and the scenery to make the game work just right. I’ve been able to recreate the experience but with more options and strategies for the players. Sniper Hill gametype settings: The most important thing to know is the scoring. For each uncontested second in the hill, a player earns one point. For each kill, a player earns two points. “Run and gun” type players can help their team by rushing the hill. “Campers” can help their team by getting kills and eliminating the opponents in the hill. The next important thing to know about is the custom power-up settings. The CPU spawns in the center of the hill, every 20 seconds. A player who nabs the CPU will be rewarded with 150% damage reduction and immunity to headshots for 30 seconds. This means that it will take 3 sniper shots to kill the player, regardless of where you hit them. It’s a good way to gain an extra couple seconds in the hill. Other notable game settings include a sniper rifle as the starting weapon, a magnum as a secondary weapon, infinite ammo, no starting grenades, and team based play. All weapons, vehicles, and grenades are map default. Map Details: So it’s just a map where you snipe people out of the hill, right? Wrong. The map was built for gameplay, not aesthetics. I’ve included many strategic locations and shortcuts to keep the gameplay fun and intuitive. I’d like to take a moment to showcase some of the map’s features. Let’s start with the high ground, and work our way downward and inward. At the farthest edges of the map, you’ll find two Watchtower Platforms which are accessible through teleporters. Each one contains a beam rifle for all the killing and none of the reloading. These locations are far away, but they offer the “camper” on your team a nice secluded spot to do some killing. The next best sniping spot is the Treetop Platform. It’s a single horizontal barrier atop one of the nearby pine trees. A regenerator, a beam rifle, and two frag grenades await anyone brave enough to take the mancannon up here. You can lob grenades down on enemies in the hill. An active regenerator means that only a headshot will kill you, but its green glow will grab everyone’s attention. And remember that the branches will stop sight, but not a sniper round. Another notable platform is the High Bridges platform. This one can be reached by one of two mancannons, and also contains a beam rifle. A couple glass barriers will protect you from other sniper perches, but you’ll have to step out from their protection to have a view of the hill. This is an important perch to control, because it’ll help you keep enemies off the other perches. In this picture, the large default mancannon takes you to the lower tree platform and the places mancannon takes you over to the High Bridges platform. You can also see the Light Perch which contains a beam rifle and a grav lift. The Floating Platform is another good spot to control. You can reach it by taking a teleporter or running up the ramp. Atop it you’ll find a crate leaning over the edge and a beam rifle. The soft barrier of the level will help keep you on the platform, but you can still fall off if you’re being careless. You’ll see some shield doors placed near the hill. They are angled so that they provide no protection from enemies within the hill. You’ll only use them as cover against other enemies who are advancing toward the hill. In the center of the hill, you’ll see a couple of floating glass barriers in the shape of a “t”. They float off the ground to keep the hill open but still provide some cover against the snipers on the high perches. Being aware of where your enemies are and keeping the barriers between you and them will keep you alive in the hill much longer. And it sometimes forces enemies to abandon their high ground in order to take you out. One last bit of cover worth mentioning is the Bouncing Box. It’s a crate suspended above three grav lifts. It will bounce up and down randomly, so it’s a fun little piece of cover to use. There’s no better feeling than when your enemy’s poorly timed shot hits the crate right before you take him out while it’s floating above. The mancannons spread around the level will do one of two things. The ones pointed inward will take you to the hill quickly, but you’ll risk getting shot out of the air. They were designed to drop you on the active camo which sits above the hill, but mancannon trajectories are horribly unpredictable. The mancannons pointed to the sides will take you to other perches. But the one angled to the Treetop Platform only works sometimes. Besides the semi-effective mancannons, there is another way to acquire the active camo. There are four grav-lift equipments placed around the map. Deploying one at the edge of the hill will let you jump up to the camo. Hopefully it’ll activate before you get sniped. And if you do become camo, resist the urge to shoot or melee nearby enemies. It’s very difficult to snipe an unmoving invisible opponent inside the hill. Like I said earlier, this map was built for gameplay, not aesthetics. So although it may look like random objects placed around a hill, a lot of thought was put into the balance of each piece of cover. And I did do some merging. Legendary merging, as it were. So download the map, and download the gametype and check it out with a group of friends. It’s really quite fun. And that’s coming from someone who hates the sniper rifle. And remember, no matter what the final score is, don’t be a sore winner: No break-dancing on the ice! Download Sniper Tundra Download the Sniper Hill gametype P.S. If you like this map, check out my other Sniper Hill map.
This map is a blast. I remember seeing the bouncing box for the first time and thought someone threw a grav lift by a crate and it was just by chance. Then the 2nd game I noticed again, and realized it was just part of the map. I love it. The crossing barriers in the center of the hill are awesome too, nice tactical touch. Of course the tree top perch is awesome. You're probly the first one to find that, and will probably be copied. In short, can't wait to get some more games in here.
If I was anywhere near a decent sniper, I'd probably dl this. But as anyone that's played with me knows, give me a sniper, and the only thing I'll do with it is needle people. It looks great, but it seems more like a casual or minigame map than a competitive one. Sorry, I'm a bit picky about that, lol. Let me make a simple analogy. Nemi::Snipers French::Fighting Nemi+Sniper=Fail French+Fighting=Fail
wow... i personally cnt snipe for my life, literally, but my friend is abnormally good with one, so for his sake, im DL, also cause the idea and execution r great nd i love ur maps but lol...
i'm pretty sure i'm the one who has just gone off the grav lift in one of the pics, otherwise i'm the one getting sniped whilst i still had camo, yes, that is how crap i am. thats if i'm even in the game you took the pics from. anyway man, i love this map, the two floating barriers in the centre is a great idea because it gives you temporary cover, the big out of level ramp/sniper perch is great but i never got to the top because 2/3 times i got distracted trying to snipe someone and got sniped myself, and the 3rd time, well, lets just say mongooses fall faster than you'd expect, anyways this is a great map, and i haven't even been able to explore the entire play area. PS about the two barricades you have stacked on top of each other, i'm going to claim that as my idea(i used it in mercurial) just so i can say i influenced you!
This is a very original idea. May I ask how you got that treetop platform? It looks to hard to merge.
Youve got some ok idea's for this map but they havent been placed in the right places and they have been built rather sloppy.
This was a fun map to play, even though I died a lot. If it wasn't Penguinish (damn you!), it was LIGHTSOUT225 that seemed to take me out at every turn. I never made it up to the top because Penguinish managed to dominate the High Bridges platform (damn you!). The floating crate managed to ruin some perfectly good shots for me too; just as I pulled the trigger, the crate would 'drop' down and take the bullet. Argh! It was still a lot of fun though, but I'm afraid I would agree with Nemi in that it didn't really feel like a competitive map. More like sniper training on moving targets. But I really liked how you made some of the platforms, especially the one surrounding the tree. I'll always be down with playing this, if nothing else to improve on my sniping.
Very cool I loved your Sniper Hill on Sandtrap, can't wait to take a crack at this one, although I was usually the one running to the hill, getting sniped, repeat.
Thanks guys. By the way, I forgot to set one single object to spawn at start, so I had to release a second version. I just forgot to add the top of The Tent. If you already have version 1, the maps are pretty much the same. Sorry for the inconvenience. I've edited the new links into the original post. Or you can click here.
This looks great Furious. Much better than Sniper Hill which I loved and haven't took off my hd since the day I downloaded it. (The old SC days..) I'm sure this one will stay there too. Inv me next time this is being played.
That camo guy in that pic is actually me. Sorry guys. It would have been hard to merge, but I didn't have to. That particular tree is hollow at the top. I just balanced the barrier on the top. Easy. That's why I expect people to borrow the idea and expand on it. I checked some of the other nearby trees and they are all solid at the top. But I didn't check all the trees in the level because I was obviously just focusing on that one location.