Sandbox Sniper Training

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Zellxie, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Zellxie

    Zellxie Ancient

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    ***Zellxi's Sniper School***

    Sniper Training map
    Sniper Training Game type

    Bungie forum link:

    Sniper Training

    Okey, I think i'm being original here... i have never seen anything like this but it may be out their. But this was my own idea and I like it :).
    Before you download this please READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!!!
    Directions for this is crucial; also you MUST have at least ONE spare controller to make this work properly...

    It is most effective in your training if you strafe while you shoot...

    Put in the map AND game type for sniper training. Also make sure you are on RED team.
    1. First grab an extra controller (yes, you can plug in more for an extra challenge) go into the settings and turn off the controller vibration.
    2. Sign it in as any profile you please
    3. Find a pack of cigarettes or a remote control (something to prop up the thumb stick)
    4. Now that u have your object, prop up the left thumb stick on your object so that the unused spartan is moving forward (without holding it down) also make sure it is running straight..

    Now you need to set up what course he will be running....
    Change his team to change the course he is running.
    Blue Team = Main Course
    Green = Shield Door Course
    Orange = No Scope Course
    Purple = Window Course

    For main Course simply shoot the spartan as he auto walks through the teleporters.. Some are trickier then others and watch out for surprises! [trains hand eye coordination and general sniping skills]

    For Shield Door Course try to shoot the spartan and melee him before he gets past the shield door. [trains timing and shield door situations]

    For No Scope Course stand on the square by the entrance to the teleporter part so he runs right at you. snipe him before he hits you (without a scope of course) I made a box in the middle room with one teleporter and many spawn points coming from different distances so you never know when he will pop through the teleporter. [trains no scope skills obviously]

    For window Course their are two options:
    big window
    and small window.. Choose which you would like to use... This is the hardest one because you MUST get a head shot and you have very little time to do it... if you miss shoot or throw a grenade at the fusion coil to your right. That will reset the target dummy.

    Go through the teleporter inside the lounge to get to the target practice and Cley pigons.

    Their are many other things you can do to jazz up the Courses as well such as plugging in multiple controllers or going at different angles on the no scope course.. whatever you can think of :)


    Here's the front of the building


    Here are the Courses (look to the left at the file set the rest of the Courses are in their)

    Main Course
    No Scope Course
    Shield Door Course
    Window Course
    Cley Pigons
    Shooting Range
    Training Courses

    Sniper Spawns (all 8 in file set):

    Sniper Spawns

    Also their are a few Easter eggs I put in for fun...
    If you notice their is and Eye on the window course and on the other side is the no scope course with crosshairs.. thought it fit, it being a sniper training course and all hehe..
    Their is also a semi-hidden BR, and you are welcome to check out the roof and shoot from above.

    Well, i hope you Enjoy my map :) I spent mounts on it to prefect it... and yes i know their is one small little hole in the ceiling by the sniper on the wall... I could not get it for the life of me so I guess that's their to stay :(

    But please let me know how you like it (or if you hate it ;)) this is my first map i've posted on forums.
    if you have any questions msg me on xbox live.


    My forum on bungie for this got locked for some reason so you cant reply on it...
    #1 Zellxie, Feb 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  2. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  3. Zellxie

    Zellxie Ancient

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  4. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The idea of making a map that trains your Sniping skills is NOT original...

    ...however, the idea of using a second "dummy" profile as the actual target has never been done before, and I don't think I ever would have even thought of that. This is very nice work, you've even come up with different scenarios to train for. This a definite DL for me, I think it'd be a nice little warm-up before heading into matchmaking.
  5. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I have seen one of these before but nothing this complex. You have it so there are multiple courses for multiple types of sniping. I am going to be playing this alot. :)
  6. Zellxie

    Zellxie Ancient

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    Thank you very much :). ya i use it for warmup before i play matchmaking every day... i plug in 3 controllers each time and go to 200 kills then i go into matchmakeing. The sheild door course is one that doesnt work as well though because i cant git him to spawn at any spawn points but tha one so its not randomized :( this is because of how bungies spawn system works, so i hardly ever use that course... i was going to take it out but i kouldnt figure out what i would put in tha space it takes up if i did. so i thot wat the heck and id just keep it. but if you find time please comment and rate the map on tha bungie site :) thanks guys...

    if you have any questions that cannot be explained on forums for watever reason (or your not a member) feel free to contact me on xbox live

  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I think this looks like a fun sniping coarse , I never seen a dead controller player been used in such a way before good idea.

    But in all honesty it might be good for helping to aim or something but if you really want to get better and train sniping for real battle situations in matchmaking. The best way is just play normal games using a sniper rifle as whenever you can.
  8. Zellxie

    Zellxie Ancient

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    yes the majority of aspects to sniping you learn on the battlefield, this map is mostly for improving accuracy and also muscle memory in for different situations. It is also a bit of a novelty. ;) but its still pretty sweet I think!!!! haha
  9. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Actually it has, but the idea of setting them to a different color for different courses is quite original. I'm always interested in stuff like this. I'll be sure to check it out.

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