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i saw one of these before, somewhere...maybe youll make a better version though, so its alright probobly, id look around thing least to me, the rocket race is the perfect mix of both rockets...and race (duh). the rockets are mainly for flipping, not for killing. nothing else would work nearly as good (except mabe hammers, that would have some crazy games...)
Sounds interesting... It just sparked an idea in my head... Plasma Pistols, Regenerating grenades, & Power Drainers... I should get to work!
Rocket Race with snipers? I believe that has already been done to some degree. what if you made a map with plasma pistols and sniper rifles with limited ammo for the rifles so every shot counts. And unlimited ammo for the pistols. You would have to make a good race track to make it work though. Just a suggestion.
Can you make so one weapon has unlimited and one limited? ??? Oh well, seems like a nice idea, ive had dreams of noscoping people from the back of a mongoose Making the gametype cant be hard, you just gotta forge a nice map to go along with it.
whoa that just gave me an idea...since ugave me it, u can have it if u want (i prolly dont have enough time anyway)...what if u did infection, set it for say 50% zombies mabe or 75% (i dont remember if thats possible), then have humans spawn with snipers and next to mongeese, zombies have high speeds and 90% health...that way, you can still do your sniping on mongeese ;D it would be crazy having the zombies try to surround u and the guy on the back sniping zombies one by one...;D
Wicked idea... give the zombies 10% damage and 75% speed perhaps, depending on their weapon set. Humans get infinite ammo and indestructible vehicles.
if u dont want it, i call it ;D edit: btw jax, iif u want to want can work together on it..send me a FR edit: zombies would have to be slightly faster than the mongeese, but not that much faster, evenly would be good, it could work slightly slower if theres cover and stuff....zombies would prolly have swords wouldnt they?...or shotguns...