Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Well Joe, he is actually noticing your map just not in a positive way .
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Lol, it wasn't a big deal man, but if you've edited it off then what the hell. It's all good. If I really was angry I'd have just deleted your post. And Joe, the trade off for this site being unlike the bungie forums and quality maps being available relatively easily is that to get your map noticed and downloaded quickly is harder if you aren't known to be at least a competent forger. I'm not saying you aren't, but you probably know where I'm coming from. Stick around and it'll be just fine. We like to build our community up so we do.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute All I'm saying is... if people know who you are around the site. they'll be intrigued when they see your name next to a new map. So, get some exposure then repost your map. Don't get angry or dismayed, I'm only giving advice, no need to complain to others or even take it.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I think I fall under that non-prestigious map category. The funny thing is I have been here when they were a wordpress and had just a couple maps. It has grown so much and when I first started forging I got active even though I have been downloading the maps when they had just a couple members. I really agree, when I see a featured map I download without hesitation just because of the author.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Thanks. And Joe Kool they werent trying to offend you they were just saying that if you were dedicated to the site people would recognize your name and want to try your map.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute What if your under a box when it spawns?
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute If you get pushed under the map you will get killed, unless you are in the center where that little strip is. If you get pushed in there your screwed.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute wow this looks so cool. downloading.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I agree with RollingStone, this map is pretty...WOW...
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Thanks. tell your friends about it.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute OMGZOMGBBQBRITNEYSPEARZ!?!?! IS THAT CREATIVITY/ORIGINALITY? I am stunned beyond words. My vocabulary has just escaped me at the release of a map that actually is original. Dag. Brilliant!
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I love this map me and my friends played it like 20 times lastnight
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute I like. Except it's kind of like the MLG maps, except with a dynamic layout rather than dynamic weapons. :-X Interesting idea that's going to be copied for as long as Forge exists. I like it. ;D
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Thanks. Joe Kool, were there any problems with the map?
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Not at all, but the last change confused us till we figured shooting the fusion coils will send us back in
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Actually the point was to stay in the hallways.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute Voodoo awesome map my friend...only one thing that i feel kinda sucked was when the map is complete and u die you get stuck outside the walls and they're so high up u cant really get back in to i was thinking (jus a suggestion) y not but the grav lifts on the outside that way when you're playing everyone doesn't have to run around in a box like they're running a marathon to find each i said before only suggestion other than that the map rox!!
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute thanks, but the whole point of the walls is to keep the sniping to four corridors and to not go into the middle. that changes the gameplay completely, which was my goal.
Re: Sniper Pit- The map layout (and gameplay) completely changes every minute This idea is what gave me my idea for Mouse Trap. Except the ghost things I found out myself. -Donuts