Sniper Chutes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by jpitty, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. youngian

    youngian Guest

    this definatly isn't a strategic map looks chaotic . looks fun though
  2. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    nice map do we seriously get recon for posting
  3. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    guys the recon thing was a joke cuz he has a pic of a bungie employee lol
  4. Kilosphere1337

    Kilosphere1337 Ancient
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    I love noscoping, its a fun thing to do, I think ill DL and try it out. but not today, called my brother a retard and my mom grounded me. that sukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkz
  5. lightning64

    lightning64 Ancient
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    i like the map thats it
  6. Vengeful C

    Vengeful C Ancient
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    No-Scoping has always been my thing. The map looks well thought out and the pics give you a good feeling of what you are downloading. Download as soon as I delete some stuff.
  7. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    It would appear as though your ploy involving Recon to get people to post about your map is working, and while I have no particular interest in the armor itself (Rogue FTW!), I figured since you appear to be desperate for reviews/replies, I'd be nice and provide what feedback I could.

    Based on the screenshots alone, it looks like it might just be a fun map. I'd been thinking much of doing a game/map where grav lifts and mancannons are employed in a sort of clay pidgeon run similar at least in concept to what you've got set up.

    From what I can see (based on the screens), you've got some decent forging merit. Four quadrants (it looks like) house mancannons, which I'm guessing you precision-forged to the point where they don't hit the elastic barrier (something difficult to avoid on Foundry). Still, in the effort to be trendy, your merging of the Truck Cab with the floor seems...unnecessary? I'd honestly have used a Crate or something similar instead (as you don't have to waste an item under the level for support). I would also say that your technique in interlocking the walls (and double boxes on the floor) could have stood to be a bit cleaner. Your back wall also looks a bit slipshod (though just a bit - probably functions perfectly despite the aesthetic not-quite-perfections).

    While I have yet to play the game, it looks like pandemonium, and definitely a good way to train up on your no-scoping abilities. The only concerns I would have would be jumping as you're going through the teleporter (and thereby throwing off the trajectory at which it launches you and messing up the groove). Other than that, it should be pretty fun.

    You have my download, sir, and I'll edit this post with a more solid review once I've had a chance to run through this with a couple of my non-ForgeHub friends.

    EDIT: Since having opened the screenshot in Photoshop and going through it with a fine-toothed comb at 400% zoom in a search for evidence of tampering or pasting, and so far as I can tell the screenshot is legit (unless you're really really good with the polygon lasso tool).
    #47 Jpec07, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  8. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    As a true no scoping fan, I can't wait to give this map a try. The only problem is, all my friends won't stand a chance.....
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    That looks pretty... Snipish.
    I really like how you've interlocked the boxes so the bits from the top show on the bottom... That's epic.

    Although explain to me how they're "chutes"? Or was that jsut a cool name?

    *cough* Where's my recon nao?
  10. adam2by4

    adam2by4 Ancient
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    I want this so badly i hav to delete some of my maps though!
  11. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    So I actually got to play it with some folks earlier tonight, and I must admit that it is pretty fun. Still, its tragic flaw is that it is insanely easy to escape the main projected path of the man cannons and land on the ground. Only one side has any means of escaping to the others through any means other than the teleporters (that truck, which now that I've played it would be better off not being there). The problem lies in how absurdly easy it is to camp at the ends of the man cannon paths and snipe people (who are occupied with one another) as they come down. Additionally, the grav-lifts to the man cannons actually intersect and throw off the trajectory so much so that it is nearly impossible to get back into the swing of things through them.

    So long story short, it's a good map with an adequately matching gametype, but it needs some revision and refinement.

    jpitty likes this.

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