Sniper Arena V2 By Cory2992 Supported Gametypes: Team Snipers Shotty Snipes anything with snipers and 2 teams Map Description this map is made with foundry split down the middle just waiting for people to cross over or to get sniped by an enemy teamate _________________________________________________ overview of 1 side part 1 overview part 2 crawling over to enemy territory fighting for the active camo shooting from the bunker Getting sniped while in bunker I was owned thru a bubble shield Trying to no scope thru fence _________________________________________________ Bunker and the tallest sniping points are both accessible from the teleporters at the far end of your side. they are shown in overview part 2 behind the shield doors.
ya im sry this was my first forge hub map and i accidentally pressed enter 2 many times while trying to go to the next line sry
I for one, always like sniper maps. But some may say the map is a little bit sloppy. Also i have to say i like the idea of being able to get the active camo from 2 different sides. Good job and welcome to forgehub!!!
hmmm. this looks like a really good map, but to me it doesn't look like flat out snipers. i think there should be mostly snipers but have a few others for closer range. good job!
I'm new to forgehub to so it's good to see so many people being friendly to each other this map doesn't look to bad i'll give it a go
hmm.. looks decent, idk why but nothing really jumps out at me, the layout looks ok, but theres to many dumpsters for my liking