Sneek Peek For New Map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Jan 21, 2009.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Well Iv been working on a new map for some time now and Iv decided too give you guys a small sneek speek for my new map. Ill give you only pictures from the out side view, but well aslo give you a little detail about this map. For those who dont know who i am, you should check out some maps in my threads Here and try too download.

    Any way I have about a week left on the map for updates so I guess Ill show you some pics of the finishd structure.

    Here is where the humans respawn, and yes this is an infection map!
    As you can see thiers a stair case leading into the building. From there use your imagination. On the far right you see some windows ploped up for some shooting practice for those zombies down below. Also note that the structure extends far back in the split crane rooms in the back and as well towrds the windows on the foundry side walls on the left.​

    This is the roof. The full view of the roof once again is not in the picture provided, but has meny roof crawl in's and hiddin holes too enter the structure and mow down the humans. You'll be able too see in side from this view as well if you look thuogh some fence walls :happy:​

    So here is nothing much.... Or is it? Two trucks and a warthog? who cares......Well not the case, This pic is looking at the out side part towrd the coolest room inside the structure..... Agian use your imagination!​

    Some facts.
    • 14-16 players is going too be needed too get the full fun expirence. If you dont the maps well just be too big too hold just a few people.​
    • The game type well be fair with the same one sence "foundationz bunk" and well start off humans with the BR and shotgun.​
    • Zombies well spawn in the back behind the Bunker at the start of each round.​
    • The roof should be one of the best spots too go. not very meny ways too get up there.​
    • Zombies should take advantage of pallet roof break in's and crawl spaces too reach the humans in side.​
    • There are NO guns on the map it self.
    TY for taking the time to look at my Sneek Peek and hope too see some downloads on the release day.


  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Looks like Possumfart Bunker on steroids (lol?). Well, needless to say, this definately LOOKS better than your last map. However, looks may be deceiving, so I'll just have to download this when you release it.

    I just want the weekend to begin so I can work on my forge project.
  3. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    This honestly looks like one of the coolest infection maps I've seen. I'll definitely check it out once you release it.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Well weekend tomorow!!!!!!!! Or friday to be exact :D
    But like i siad...... Well like i hope, the updates should fix the major defects that can steal a fun game, The thing is i got nothing too work with :/
  5. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've always aesthetically liked bunker-style infection maps, so I'm excited for this to come out. Hope it's as good as it sounds

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