Hello, I haven't done a smudge Sig in a while but here's a thew ive done recently. Thanks for all your comments. -DRiSCOLL
I like the first one the best. It just has a look to it that catches my eye. But one thing i really dont agree with on there is the cut off parts on the right side. I dont know maybe its supposed to be there. Good work anyways. =]
They all look kinda the same, the line that you have going horizontally in the + looks weird because it is cut off, maybe try continuing it all the way. Also you should try a border, weither maybe a 3-4 px on just the top and bottom or a 2 px all the way around. My favorite is the second because I like the way the light works it works nicely, only thing I would say to improve on them is to try some different smudges, not so much on the render itself. It looks to me like they are just getting blurry.
The last two are my favourites ... The second one is amazing because of the redness and it looks as if they are walking into a sunset .. And the third one is sweet too =]