Smosh is a very well made comedy that's made by Anthony Padilla, and Ian Hecox. Here's they're newest video. Batman's Cool internet video! YouTube - Smosh - Batman's Cool Internet Video Also, here's a link to Smosh's website: Smosh (Note: Didn;t check if there were any other Smosh threads =P)
how to embed videos on forgehub:[/media (with a ] after media) End result: oh, about the film...very disturbing, not so hilarious, mostly want that time from my life back now...
I love smosh! Most are just great, although some are not as good. My favorites: The best car ever, left handed, That nieghbor(forget what its called) and the one you posted above
Yeah, I tried it. But it had some error, or something. And yeah...that's not their best video. Look back at their video history, some of their best are: "Boxman" "That Damn Neighbor" "Food battle 2007" "The greastest Car EVER!" Just to name a few.