SMG's and Vibrant ODST

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by xxDeeJxx, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    THis is my first time posting pics, just so you know not to rip me a new one right off the bat.

    these are two pics that i find pretty badass, so i thought a would see what you people thought.


    Shocking ODST
  2. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Shocking ODST's cool. A little blotchy and bright, but I like it. I'm not a huge fan of the first. The Juicy + Kill Ball thing is getting old already.
  3. Dragon Ninja

    Dragon Ninja Ancient
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    Im sorry, but I have had enough with the screenshots that use a killball with Juicy to get a purplish effect.

    Hello to everyone reading this it is REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    really, its THAT annoying to you. I mean, later today your mum will be like "how was your day honey" and you'll mumble good, then she'll be like whats wrong, and your all "well, this guy used the juicy plus killball effect, and it's so annoying, it just ruined my day" and later that night you'll be sitting in bed, grumbling about how annoying it is, with a dark look on your face, thinking gosh, that is so annoying, like the people who beat me up every day, or girls.

    we'll I'm sorry, i thought these were cool. Sorry I don't prowl the picture forums, like a smelly, cat loving virgin,such as yourself, learning whats hot and whats not, i have better things to do with my time, so **** YOU sir, and good day.
  5. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Is that really necessary? I mean, for the love of god, the guy just said the effect is old (which it is), as I did, and expressed that he has a distaste for the pictures. He has his opinions, there's no need to lash out because he doesn't like something he's seen thousands of times before.

    Read your messages, and think, before you post. Disrespect is not welcome.

    Also, I find it ironic that you're insulting him over the internet, and calling him the "smelly, cat loving virgin." If you've got better things to do, why are you insulting people over the internet?
  6. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cause i like these pics, regardless of the old effect, and the guy's a Jerk,
    and while you screenshot connoisseurs may think these pictures are boring old effects, us lowly commoners think they're kinda cool, because we do other stuff than prowl the screenshot pages, day in and day out.
    #6 xxDeeJxx, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    People post here to criticize the pictures posted. The people who posted the screenshots ask people how they like it/what they think of it/etc, so they can improve.

    Also, you are generalizing the people who 'prowl' the screenshot forum. Maybe they just want to see some screenshots?
  8. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm just saying, i barely ever look at the picture forums, i don't know that this is a boring old effect, effect or no, i like the pictures, ODST's are cool in any setting, and the SMG one is just cool.

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