Smear the Pinkie

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    lions, you have a certain subtlety that i find admirable. (nothing will happen to you if you wish to express yourself through capital letters, unless you express yourself in the title of a thread, thats a different story)

    By the way, i heard there is air vehicles in sandbox. What relivance does this have with this game? I don't know you make the connection.
  2. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    This map is beyond genius.
    I've played this atleast a 100 times.
    When me and my friends get tired of FFA's on Amp, this is what we play.
    My first 10/10 giveaway :p
  3. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Constructive Criticism-

    • Try making the spawn points higher to discourage spawn killing
    • The pallet on the outside wall does nothing, try to make some way for the zombies to start the explosion.
    • Make the walls that aren't covered with bridges smoother somehow (maybe by deleting some objects on the wall, not like anyone can get that high).

    Oh, and if you don't want to delete items on the wall because it doubles as a great canvas that blocks off the two sides, try just adding an extra download only with the wall.
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    This is probably one of the most useful responses i've ever got, this is useful and constructive, i applaud your awesomeness.

    On to your suggestions, the spwan points elevated would have its pros and cons, i think this might slightly disorientate the player, and give the humans that extra second to catch them off-guard. When a player is falling they are helpless, they can't jump or move, so i think this isn't the best idea.

    The pallet break works from 20-30 and 50-180 seconds, and works only once, you probably broke it off-time. The pallet break is a backup, its for people that survive the initial sweep (highly unlikely) or joint late.

    And i have a plan to redo this on sandbox, so the walls will not be a problem. And i'm not updating ****.
  5. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    i like this mini game just cause there is a balance between both pinkies and nonpinkies and niether side is more powerful. This makes a great game and me and my crew play it almost all the time. We all think its awesome!!! There is one flaw I wanted to point out though. The spawn killing can get a little out of hand. PLS FIX!!!!
  6. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    oh oh!!!i know.. you can have the pinkies have super high jump, and make it taller!!!eh eh.

    the high spawn idea might work but only if you have them like maybe a little invisable when spawning/ falling through air.. so that the drivers dont see them!
  7. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    This looks really cool. I've thought about making something like this, because it was so much fun, but never finished it. I really like the vehicle gateway thing where you can go out, but you can't go back in...
    Really nice ideas. 8.5/10 for lack of game originality
  8. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    The problem with hornet is they are hard to hit with the plasma pistol, and even if you do, it is hard to slash them out. If sandbox isn't that high, it won't be a problem, but if it is, i'll have to think of something. FEEDBACK ON THIS TOPIC WOULD BE APPRECIATED!

    A simple fix to spawn killing is to just be attentive, you have a motion tracker, you'll see them 25m away form you, that gives you at least four seconds to react! If they somehow are facing you, at full speed, and you just happen to spawn infont of them, well, that would be, hillarious.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Somehow, we got a party of ten, all amped up on pinkie smearing, to create the line of epic! Is this the apocalypse? No, it's a killpocolyps!​

    #69 Seaboro Kibbles, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  10. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Best infection variant, hands down.

    I attempted to make some modifications to allow alpha zombies sparse access to equipment (namely trip mines and grav lifts, power drains don't work so well) and a Hammer (3 minutes in), but the original is the best.


    EDIT: LOL I necromanced it.
  11. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    well you would have to change the humans weapon, so that the zombies cant shoot...
    but a hammER mIght bE
  12. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    What I did, made it so humans cant pick up weapons, altered the zombies gravity so they could jump onto a fence wall, laid on its side. On this fence wall sits a grav hammer (or trip mine, or grav lift, depending on the wall), covered by a custom powerup. Custom powerups make it so zombies can pick up weapons, but lose unlimited ammo (who wants an infinite hammer running around?) and do 0% damage so that the hammer can only flip vehicles, not kill. It works ok in testing, but not enough people bother with it to make it worthwhile. I'm still trying to figure out a way to do it nicely.
  13. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ahh ok , buit couldnt the zombies camp on the fence wall?....and you should have the alphas get hammers instead of plasma pistols..(maybe more fair)ish??LOLoiHAJAH
  14. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    They COULD camp on the fence wall, but with the custom powerup making them do 0 damage, whats the point? Maybe camping at the Trip Mine or Grav Lift spawn, but you're not gonna get points that way, just assists.

    Alphas do NOT need grav hammers, it's something that needs to be uncommon. Which is why I put one with 180 sec respawn, not at start.
  15. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    These are some good ideas, i thought about equiptment alot, and it seems that they can't be distributed good enough, an a grav-hammer is a great idea, but the custom power-up is sketchy, it only last for 90 seconds them you can reek havok. I think a grav-lift would be the best, it can be used as cover, and isn't gameplay degrading, if a ghost hits it it just flies over, not get jammed up like it was a wall. The biggest issue i have is the side walls, they're annoying, and once i remake this on sandbox, there will be no restrainst.
  16. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I've actually played this a few times, and here is my review:
    Great job, maybe just a little cleaner forging.
    Gameplay is fun, it's just a little too dependent on the alpha zombie...
    but once those zombies start piling up, the humans are screwed.
    4.5/5 cus nuthins purfect nowadays
  17. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Seaboro, I have figured it out.

    I set round time to 5 minutes (it never lasts that long, anyway.) At 2 minutes, a mancannon spawns, high enough that humans cant get to. Mancannon shoots you into a teleporter, teleporter puts you in a narrow hallway where you have to walk through the custom (to enable weapon pickup)to get the hammer, and through another custom directly in front of a teleporter. I currently have 4 reciever nodes spread around, so you can't really predict where the zombie will come out. Also, I'm toying with the idea of blocking said recievers off with crates, so that if zombies want the hammer bad enough, they'll hafta devote time to moving them. And humans would have to be careful not to unblock them either, like I said, toying with it.

    If you can survive for 90 seconds in the arena with the hammer, then I'm not going to be mad when you can use it unlimited for the last minute.

    Also, I set it so there is a small chance (9 out of about 50) that zombies spawn on one of 3 ledges with equipment on it. Set respawn traits to be able to pick up weapons for 3 seconds on spawn, and you won't have to worry about them camping the ledges. Equipment I set on the ledges:

    1 Trip Mine- 60s respawn: Wont kill any vehicle except a Mongoose that's been beat up real bad, really only flips them.

    1 Grav Lift- 60s respawn: For obvious reasons against vehicles, and good Alphas can wreck havoc with it.

    1 Deployable Cover- 60s respawn: Provides a little bit of a reprieve from constant jumping, but Ghosts (while boosting), Hogs, and Choppers can break it. Mongooses can't drive through it period.

    1 Power Drain- 180s respawn, Not at start: The arena is big enough for it to not be a KO if you're not hit with the throw. If you've lasted 3 minutes, and are unlucky enough to have a zombie spawn on it, then wah.

    To make budget room for all this, I had to do some tweaking:

    1. Got rid of the teleporter 'S'. (sorry, I didn't even see it when I played)
    2. Reworked the Human spawn area and method of destroying it. I set it to have waves of explosions at 30, 45, and 60 seconds, so I doubt anyone could make it alive. (this will be SO easy for you on Sandbox, killball spawn lol)
    3. Cut vehicles back to 6 Ghosts, 2 Gooses, 2 Hogs, and 2 Choppers. (Only nubs ever really got in human vehicles when I played, everyone got Ghosts and Choppers.)

    Basically, you COULD still camp with the things I put in, but it would be pointless.

    I always play this game when I do customs, so I'll be able to test it more today. PM/XBL me(Oberlin27) if you want me to send you the variant.
  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    NOOOOOooooYTUIYTI/tyjhyierf/...!!!!!!!!,... but thE mongeese!...i need them!

    how much money is left on the bUdget???....why take away vEhicles?...there are many tiMes big parties, where people need the vehiclesSs!

    this map looks great, i love the style...but i noticed that sometimes you leave that first room without any helath there any way to fix that?
  19. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    If you count, the gametype calls for 25% zombies. 16 player max party, makes 12 humans. 12 vehicles. Tough titties if you dont get a Ghost.
  20. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    Hey Seaboro... add my gtag: TiKi bumba.. i got goo idea for mini game, i need to send you ideas over

    :) actually i add you if ur gtag= ur forgehub name

    i very much enjoyed the competitive gameplay i recieved while testing this map, i like the lobby sweeping system, but i as others agree think that the alpha zombies should be more powerful..

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