Smear the ***** map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Spitfire288, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    Map Title: Smear the ***** map pack

    Sandbox version:Download Map <==THIS I MADE, its good for larger parties. (6-16 people)

    Foundry version: Download Map <==DISCLAIMER: I did not make this map, the author is LockNLoad128
    . better for smaller parties (8-16 people)

    Download Gametype

    This game is called Smear the *****. The zombies are the Quears (pink players) have to stop the humans from splattering them. The Alpha quears have a plasma pistol to paralyze the humans and a sword to beat them down, the regular quears have only a sword and have to rely on the Alpha's to take paralyze them. Humans get either a mongoose, chopper, warthog or ghost and have to avoid being killed while at the same time smearing the quears. The settings are set so humans cant be boarded and cant deal damage by shooting the zombies. THERE ARE NO HONOR RULES!!!!!!!! :)
    Any questions?? please post and i will answer them.
    Now pics of the maps.

    for all those who say its no fun for the zombie...
    The map i made (the First link)

    Zombie spawn, jump in hole, dont camp..

    Told have 20 secounds to go through

    The 2 story human spawn

    Another view, plus GEO-merged arrow=]

    The rest of the crypt is open, the perfect splattering grounds.

    Foundry version: I did NOT make
    Quear faceing human spawn

    Human base, dont camp or u WILL die!




    Once again, the foundry version is NOT made by me, the gametype and the Sandbox version ARE made by me, SharpShtr288
    Please comment, rate and subscribe=]
    #1 Spitfire288, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    0 - Give him credit where deserved.

    I love smeer the pinkie or admirally named smeer the ****** by others, its really fun to play, please show more screenshots of your sandbox map, so we get a better overveiw of the arena etc, from what i can see the forging looks good and you used ghost method to put the killball in the crypt hole, but as for now id like more screenshots so I can comment on the rest of the map, I will edit this when more screenies are added :)
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This is one of those gametypes where it is fun to be human, but annoying as hell to be infected. The maps work well with the gametype, but it's just no fun at all being a zombie. I would reccommend reworking the gametype somehow so that the zombies have a little joy in their lives.
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    EDIT: Wow you guys posted fast, had to edit my whole post. Ya, I'm the creator, and I changed the name from the original, to smear the pinkie. Some may misinterpret it as killing gay people for points, and that's not a image you want associated with this fun map. I would change the name now before this gets known.

    I'm assuming you didn't do any work to the bottom floor, judging by the lack of pictures, and I suggest rounding the edges using the no-clip glitch. I didn't have enough material in the foundry version to do so fully, but what I did worked pretty well.

    Oh, and I make the map, and make many changes to the game like instead of zombies with stickies, they have swords and plasma pistols. LockandLoad128 remade smear the ***** off of some guy and he forgets his name, and who knows what the game was like then.

    I agree ROADKILL, being zombe -can be- fun. I thinks it's fun when I'm the only alpha zombie, and my party isn't that good, I tag their ghost, and stand beside 'em teabagging and stunning him, using his ghost as cover as his team mates fly over my head. Or when there's like ten people, running around looking up and teabagging, using your motion tracker to time when people will try splatter you, definatly has it's kicks. There are many good memories with this old game.
    #4 Seaboro Kibbles, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  5. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    trust me, its fun. The zombies have to avoid being hit, its actually quite hard to get splatterd. I've played both maps with over 150 people, almost everyone loved it and couldnt stop playing it, i'll post all of the names later when i sort through the films and get them all.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    fairly nice. How ever i had some fun with the game type as zombie shaddo. Only cus i have done some cool funny things with my friends as zombie. Like hitting than flipping a ghost in the air when was speeding at me and than nearly splattering my friend in the face as it glided over his head lols. I guess u kind have to make fun out of being a zombie for this game.
    Nice pack spit fire.

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